Gelfhine charts


Chart 1. The agnatic line of an idealized gelfhine. A grandfather has three sons (your father and two uncles) who each have three sons, for a total of 9 first cousins. Y is you (ego); B are your brothers.


Chart 2. The agnatic line of an idealized gelfhine where Y is the youngest of the third generation.


Chart 3. A maturing gelfhine with attrition due to war, disease, or natural causes. Y is no longer hopelessly at the bottom.


Chart 4. The agnatic line of an idealized derbfhine. GU are great uncles C-1 are first cousins once removed; C2 are second cousins. This is either a solid support group or quite a crowd.


Chart 5. An evolving gelfhine, with the genealogical focus on Y. A replacement generation of sons, nephews and first cousins once removed (from Your perspective) is represented (making this essentially a derbfine.


Chart 6. The same chart depicted immediately above but with mortality projected. At the derbfhine level you can see three evolving gelfhines.

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