Project Linus- Paying it Forward

I believe in paying it forward. I still remember my first trip to the Ronald McDonald House in the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. It was the first of many visits throughout my niece’s three week hospitalization. As fall approached, Evelyn began to bald, and became extremely self-conscious of her new appearance. Upon one of my visits, I discovered that a local church group had knitted hats for the oncology unit and left them in the Ronald McDonald House for children to choose. Evelyn chose a simple purple hat with a flower on the side. She wore her hat through the winter months and to this day still treasures the garment. This gesture, as simple as it was, will remain with Evelyn forever.
Circle K is the largest community service organization on our school’s campus. One of the many project opportunities sponsored by this group is known as “Project Linus”. At Project Linus, I was given the opportunity to hand-craft a teddy bear that will eventually find its way into the arms of a hospitalized child suffering from a terminal illness. The project was simple, fun, and meaningful.
I was never given the chance to thank the group responsible for Evelyn’s purple hat as she lost her hair to chemotherapy. Project Linus gave me the chance to express my gratitude and impact at least one life the same way Evelyn’s was impacted that day. I believe in paying it forward, whether through a knitted hat or a hand stuffed bear. Sometimes the smallest gestures make the most colossal difference.

By: Rachael Stieg