Alpha Lambda Delta Induction Ceremony

Alpha Lambda Delta is the academic honors society at Stockton that freshman students can join after their first semester. In order to be eligible for the honor society they must meet a 3.5 minimum GPA requirement and pay a $50 membership fee. Benefits of joining include scholarship and leadership opportunities as well as it just looking really good on your resume. The induction itself took place on February 19, 2016 at 5 pm at the Campus Center event room. There would be an induction portion and then an honorary dinner.

Inductees were supposed to wear business casual attire. This is where I went wrong. I had the most major wardrobe malfunction and ended up wearing a camo baseball cap, a tshirt, leggings and running shoes. I was mortified when I saw my classmates dressed in the gorgeous and professional outfits, the men wearing suits and dress shirts, girls in dresses skirts and heels. To say the least, I felt like an elephant. Granted, I showed up to the dinner still frantic from rushing to hand in my TALONS application so I did not have the opportunity to change because I am a commuter. I remember sitting at the table and everyone saying it’s okay, that they’re not judging me. But I was judging me. Even reassurance from Dr. Rosner, the faculty advisor of the honor society and the head of the honors program, didn’t erase my uneasiness. Thankfully, I have awesome friends who rushed me a change of clothes so I could feel less out of place.

Moving on to the actual ceremony, the induction featured a few speakers including Dr. Rosner and the President of the university, Harvey Kesselman. Then came calling everyone’s name. Since there were so many inductees, what happened was when your name was called you stood up. All applause was meant to be saved until the end. It was actually really funny, hearing the speaker either butcher or eloquently say the person’s name and then looking around the large room for a body to pop up. Although the honor society is incredibly selective, I felt proud to see so many of us that were being inducted. The name calling took an extensive amount of time, especially since the dinnertime food was glaring at us from the other side of the room. Slowly but surely, however, every name was called and person was standing. There was a huge round of applause and the inductees were directed to pick up their certificates and get food.

So all in all, please learn from my mistake and dress to impress. Even if you don’t, people will not judge you because everyone is so nice… but you will feel out of place. Work hard and make sure to get the 3.5 GPA your freshman semester so you can be part of such a wonderful national honor society such as Alpha Lambda Delta.

Casino Night

Casino Night was one of the events freshman students were encouraged to attend during welcome week. We were promised food, games, entertainment, and most importantly prizes. It took place in I-wing gym from 9pm to 11pm. Upon arrival, each student was given $50,000 of fake ticket money they could use at different tables to jump start their gambling. There was a really good turn out and the line to enter was ridiculously long. The pinnacle reason for this was the prizes which were handed out raffle style with winners announced I think every thirty minutes. One raffle ticket was equivalent to either $5,000 or $10,000 (I’m sorry its been a really long time). The prizes increased in coolness as the night progress, providing further incentive for people to stay the entire length of the event. The really big ones everyone wanted were the beats headphones and the television but there were other notable prizes.

Since I am not a big casino, card game, gambler person I did not really play any games. However, I watched and people who knew what they were doing looked like they were having a really good time. All the lights were off in the gym and fluorescence was provided by flashing colorful lights and glow in the dark elements of the game tables. There was a lava lamp colorful light display in the back along with a projector displaying music videos corresponding to the music that was blasting our eardrums. People who weren’t playing games or waiting for their turn just kinda loitered and took laps around the room starting at the food table. Some people even starting dancing which was interesting. Just kidding.

If anything, casino night was the perfect opportunity for everyone to socialize and create new friendships being that it was still the very beginning of the semester. I remember my now super close friend and I decided to entertain ourselves by collecting fake money from people who were headed out and no longer had use for their $50,000. Our master plan was that we would collect as much money from voluntary donors and use our newfound wealth to buy a surplus amount of raffle tickets. We would then put all our raffle tickets toward one prize we would share. This strategy made for a really interesting night and completely defeated the purpose of casino night and working for an honest living. Together we hustled our way around the room and “earned” more than $700,000. We were really proud of ourselves. The joke was on us though because by the end of the night we won, nothing. It’s been months and I’m still upset.

All in all, casino night was a success, despite my tragic situation. I encourage all incoming freshman to attend and even upperclassman that are looking for a good time and free food. I certainly will consider attending next fall and hopefully I’ll do casino night right that time around.