Lolla No Booza

Lolla No Booza was another event run by the Stockton Entertainment Team that was a blast. At this event there were educational games, prizes, and lots of fun. The event was around Halloween and everyone was encouraged to dress up for the event. My roommate and I went as Minnie and Mickey, which there were a lot of but some people got really creative with theirs. One costume was a social butterfly in which she dressed up as a butterfly and taped the logos of many different forms of social media onto her costume.

The activities at Lolla No Booza were almost all educational. Most of the games made you answer questions about alcohol and the effects it has on the brain and body. Another game involved the players to wear goggles that made it feel like you were drunk and throw a ball to try to hit the target to give players the sense of what it feels like to be drunk. Playing this game was a lot harder than most people expected because you thought you were throwing the ball straight at the target but you turned out to be very far off from the target.

Some of the activities were just for fun though. For example there was a stand for face painting and temporary tattoos. There were also two people making balloon animals for a little while too. There was also a photobooth with lots of props to use for the pictures. Another thing that was there was a spot to make music videos with a green screen behind you. I did not get a chance to do this because the line was very long so I chose to participate in the other activities instead. The best thing in my opinion that was there was a mechanical bull. The group of friends that I was with decided we were going to have a competition of who could last the longest on the bull. In case you were wondering I came in third out of five of us… (It was a lot harder than I expected).

Of course since it was a SET run event, there were prizes. For each game you won, you received a ticket and that ticket was placed in a wheel like the ones used in a bingo game and a certain amount of tickets were drawn from it. Each time names were drawn, they were posted on the projectors and then those people got to go over to the table and pick a prize. At the end of the night, more names were drawn for grand prizes. One of the grand prizes was a trip to Cancun.

As you can see, this was probably one of the best events SET has run thus far. Lolla No Booza makes me excited to attend more SET events throughout my career at Stockton.

Think Fast… No… Faster

On August 29th, the Stockton Entertainment Team set up an event for all of the freshman. We played a game called “ThinkFast.” Every team was made up of four people and each team got a remote to answer the questions. Every question had multiple choices to choose from and was worth a certain amount of points. The longer it took the teams to answer, the fewer points they were awarded. Teams could also change their answers before time ran out but when they did this the amount of possible points to earn from that question decreased. There were groups of questions where the teams only had a few seconds to answer each question and each team could get thousands of points. When this happened, the rankings changed drastically. After each question and group of questions, the top ten teams were shown on the projector and each remote told that team where they were ranked.

When the game started, the questions seemed like they would be easy but then they got harder. There were questions about Stockton and then there were questions about celebrities. A few questions showed music videos and the teams were asked questions about a very specific detail from the clip that was shown. There were also pictures shown throughout the game that the teams were told to remember for a later question. The pictures were of all different famous people and then at the end of the game the teams had to answer which person was not shown from the list given.

Of course, there was a prize on the line. The top three teams were given a prize, so everyone tried really hard to win. The Stockton Entertainment Team seems to know that if you really want a bunch of college students to participate in a game, there had better be something they can get out of it because at each event they run that I have attended, there has been at least one small prize given out. The prizes for ThinkFast consisted of tickets to Six Flags Great Adventure, Hurricane Harbor, and a SET basket.

This event really made people come together as a team and try to see who knew more random facts. Some teams, like mine, were put together randomly because we needed more people to the group since we originally thought it was more than four to a team so we had to split up. This helped me get out of my comfort zone and work together with people I had just met. It was a really interesting learning experience. It was a great part of Welcome Week because it was not like any other event. It did not make me feel like I was being forced out of my comfort zone because there were no ice breakers to make me uncomfortable. The event was not about learning about Stockton or listening to people tell us what do in the case of many different situations; it was about learning how to work as a team and just have fun.

The Amazing Race Around Campus

During Welcome Week, there was an event that most freshmen went to in order to learn how to navigate the campus. Each person playing was in a team of four. Each team was given an envelope that they were not allowed to open until told to so. Inside the envelope was a list of clues on one piece of paper and a table of each station on another sheet of paper. Each station had a T.A.L.O.N. waiting for the players and they were supposed to make sure that the teams were going in order of the clues and as long as they were, the T.A.L.O.N. cut the paper on their station. The teams were sent off to start the race and were told that they only had about an hour and a half to find all of the locations.

Each station was difficult to find. The clues did not say exactly where to go. They only described what the place was for. For example, one clue described that this offices is where someone goes when they need to talk to someone for help such as counseling. The answer was The Wellness Center which was easy to figure out. However, as freshman, most of the participants had no clue where the wellness center office could be found. It took a little bit of research to find out where the office was located and they all walked over to J204 to get their papers cut by the T.A.L.O.N. and then moved on to the next clue. The participants continued trying to solve each clue in the allotted time for the scavenger hunt.

When the time was up, all of the teams went back to the Campus Center Event Room and waited to hear if they won. The first place winners all got tickets to Six Flags and Hurricane Harbor. There were also prizes for second and third place, one of which was a basket of Stockton Entertainment Team gear. The winners found every clue and really learned their way around campus but even the teams that did not find them all had a great chance to learn their way around campus and where to find all different resources that they might need throughout their years at Stockton.