The Family Feud Farce

Normally, when told to wear business casual attire, one would not expect to be taking part in a game show, let alone Family Feud. However, the board of the Student Ambassadors here at Stockton decided that applicant activities are best kept secret until the morning of. So, nearly one hundred well-dressed young adults culminated in the academic spine to give their best impressions.
All of us eccentric prospective student ambassadors recited facts from our sheets to each other. We blurted out sporadic fun facts about our beloved school while trying our best to be personable.
Did you know that Stockton has 18 Division 3 sports teams?
There wasn’t one student in that fish bowl of a room that I wouldn’t have pegged as perfect for the job. We stood up in teams of 5 and gave our best impressions of actual student ambassadors giving tours. Our equally attention-catching personalities demanded recognition as we tried to shout answers over the Family Feud theme song.
Did you know our mascot’s name is Talon?
It didn’t feel as if we were competing for a limited number of spots. The event felt relaxed, only slightly competitive, and friendly. I did not feel judged by the board, even though judging us was literally their job for the day. Rather, I felt supported by everyone in the room, including those I was technically competing against. When we engaged in rapid fire trivia, those who got those impossible questions correct were rewarded with surprised cheers, and those who, like most others, answered incorrectly were rewarded equally for exhibiting the courage to stand up and try.
Did you know we currently have 6,965 undergraduate students?
Family Feud was probably the best fit activity for prospective ambassadors. This, coming from someone who normally detests game shows, means a lot. I guarantee that both those who made the final cut and those who did not had an equally great time participating.