Move-In for the Spring Semester!

Winter Break is a great time for relaxation. It’s perfect for spending time alone or for reconnecting with family and friends. I spent my winter break enjoying the holiday season, while using this time as an opportunity to plan for the upcoming semester. Adjusting my class schedule and ordering my books, I made sure that I would enter the 2016 school year with confidence.

After spending a few weeks home with my family for the winter break, I was eager to return to Stockton University for my Spring semester. Equipped with my Hyundai Elantra filled with clothes and books and my sidekicks –my parents– I headed down the parkway towards campus. Because I actually knew where I was going this time, my move-in experience was much more relaxed in comparison to the Fall. After carrying up a few bags, I was ready to get settled and prepare for my upcoming semester. Move-in is much easier in the Spring as a returning student because of the informality and familiarity of the experience. Because your remaining items from last semester are still in the room, there’s less stuff to move in and it feels like you’re just returning to your second home.

I spent the first few days meeting up with friends, talking about break, and preparing for classes that would be starting. When classes began, I was ready to face my new schedule and finish my freshman year strong. Although as a tip for the future returning freshman, don’t leave any dirty laundry over break –no matter how little. When everyone is settling in and making plans to catch up, you want to be able to enjoy your first few days back with friends and not worrying about keeping an eye on your laundry.