“Whose Line is it, Anyway?”

Blog 5: “Whose Line is it, Anyway?”

            One of the best Stockton events is “Whose Line is it, Anyway?” performed by Stockton’s very own drama club. This brought back memories of watching the show on television, and if it’s possible, Stockton’s version was way funnier!

The members of the drama club were able to show off their improvising skills in several skits.  While most of the skits were based off of the real show, some were made up by the students. For instance, one skit began with a single scene and one person. Then, another person came into the scene, beginning a completely different scene. The next person came to change the scene again, and so on.

When all members are in the last scene, they must leave the scene one by one, ending with the first scene that was presented. The randomness of this skit is what makes it hilarious. In addition, there is a scene in which the audience chooses three well-known celebrities for the “Dating Game.” This skit involves three contestants, who are asked questions. Their answers provide the interrogator with clues as to who they are acting out.  The accents used are usually the best hint!

Lastly, one of the best games played in the game in which the audience chooses a scenario for the actors to act out. For instance, the scenario may be a vacation in Hawaii with family. To start, one actors may say “I went on vacation, and we went swimming with dolphins,” and then the others must pose in a way which depicts the scene described. From then on, the one actors that is not posing must describe what he or she thinks each person is trying to get across. This game is fun because the actions aren’t always what they seem to be.

When I was little, after my night swim team practices, I’d watch “Whose Line Is It, Anyway?” with my parents, and it certainly gave me something to look forward to. With all the laughs and fun, it was always a perfect transition into the next day. This is what the Stockton event reminded me of, and I loved every second of it!

Blog 4: Chong Night

Blog 4: Chong Night

            In the well-known N-Wing, Chong is the cashier who swipes each student’s ID card to get a meal. As we walk in, my friends and I look forward to the compliments from Chong, as well as a short conversation. As finals come to an end and stress is slowly being lifted off the students’ shoulders, this night of Christmas songs and food made by Chong is a great way to transition into winter break mode.

Chong Night, a night dedicated to the beloved cashier, was near the end of the semester, right before winter break. It involved Chong singing Christmas songs such as “Feliz Navidad,” as well as others. Not only did she provide entertainment during our meal, but she cooked everything that was served that night! The menu consisted of potato noodles, vegetables, and many other options that are not usually available to the students. This was a fun way to change it up at N-wing, and take the students out of their daily routines.

This only goes to show Chong’s dedication to her job! After sitting in the cafeteria for some time, my friends and I saw Chong’s family, who came to watch her perform. The best has yet to come- aside from the food and family, everyone was given their very own Chong face! This made the night as instant hit; everyone became Chong in a matter of seconds. In fact, my roommate and I still put them in front of our faces when we’re least expecting it! In this way, Chong night gave us a way to relax throughout the semester.

As well as being an enjoyable time, Chong Night allowed the Stockton community to give back to Chong, who always seems to enjoy her work and putting a smile on everyone’s faces. With the workload piling high toward the end of the semester, Chong Night gave me a way to relax and have fun in the middle of all the studying and stress.

AC Beach Sweep

On April 26, students from Stockton College and people of the Atlantic City community got together in front of the Rain Forest Café on the Atlantic City boardwalk at 9:00am to participate in the Atlantic City Beach Sweep.  We all stood there listening to brief speeches on why Clean Ocean Action hosts beach sweeps and what you can do to stay involved.  As you may have guessed, they host beach sweeps to keep the beaches clean and help keep the environment healthy.

After the brief speeches were given, everyone grabbed gloves and trash bags and set off to the beach to pick up what could be found.  After last time I didn’t think there would be much trash but I was wrong.  There was just about as much trash this time as there was last time.  I guess that’s why Clean Ocean Action hosts a beach sweep twice a year.  So, we walked around all morning picking up trash ranging from cigarette butts to cans to rusted chunks of metal.  Like last time we got a checklist to keep track of the different things we picked up during the day and of course, cigarette butts were the number one pick of the day.

It was a beautiful day to be out and about cleaning up.  It wasn’t too chilly and it wasn’t too hot.  Even though picking up trash isn’t my favorite thing to do, being able to be outside on such a beautiful day and the indirect impact it will have on the environment made it totally worth it.  In the end, picking up one cigarette butt could easily save one animal’s life.  Picking up a trash bag full of trash could save several animals and reduces pollution.  So, I enjoy participating in beach sweeps because when push comes to shove, I’m doing something good for the environment and the people, animals, and plants that live in it.

New Experiences, Cuteness, and Service

New Experiences, Cuteness, and Service

Going to the Atlantic County Animal Shelter was the service project chosen by the honors program for the fall semester of 2013. Although the event wasn’t organized in the best way, I leaned many things, and got a lot out of providing service. The times that were told to the students were changed many times and were not really even final. In the end my group and I went to the campus center and waited around until the allotted time given from Facebook. Since the upperclassmen in charge of the service project did not come to the meeting place we all agreed to just go ahead. We had to provide our own transportation. This was a problem because for a bunch of college freshmen who have never driven around in this area before, getting lost was an easy task. Eventually, we were able to find the animal shelter and get to work. Since we were the last group left we had poop cleaning duty. My friends had the task for cleaning litter plans and I got off lucky with just needing to scoop litter. I also had the chance to talk to the veterinarian who worked there and was able to learn a lot about her job. She was responsible for giving the animals vaccines and medicine for when they were sick. Although I was very sad to learn that the shelter did, at times, have to euthanize some of the animals, I still admire the volunteers for working so hard to give the animals a temporary home. After about an hour, most of us had finished our tasks and were waiting around for more orders. There was not much else for us to do so we were allowed to socialize with the animals, which was absolutely the best part of the experience. My friends and I were first sent to the dogs, to let them out and play. The volunteer showed me how to put on a leash and let me pick a dog. I picked this adorable cream colored, Shino Inu. Another small dog was also allowed out and we walked them around the back yard. After letting them run around, play, and do their business we had to return them to their cages and meet for lunch. The food provided was good and much needed, since we were so hungry. In the volunteer lounge we had our reflection session and discussed the day. When that was finished we were allowed to leave, but I decided to stay. Since I was the driver, many of my friends also had to stay. In our extra time, we spent it socializing with the cats in the shelter. There were cats of all sizes and colors. There were tiny kitten and old cats too, but they were all extremely friendly and all loved to get picked up and pet. These animals, that were abandoned, lost, or stray all just wanted a home and to be loved. To be able to provide them with the service of giving them love and attention, was extremely satisfying. One of the highlights of the day was to see the precious dog that I had walked that day get adopted by this family and taken to their. By the end of the experience I was relaxed, and feeling really happy. It was such a fun experience, and I did not even mind doing the actual work of cleaning and filling the liter pans. It was frustrating in the beginning since the event was not organized I the best manner, but it was all worth it in the end. These animals only really want to be held and given love, so being around them was so fulfilling for me that I actually decided t keep coming back to the shelter to volunteer. Every Friday I take a group of my friend the shelter around three, and we just socialize with all the animals. It provided the perfect opportunity to not only de-stress, but also provide a service for animals.

Good Bye Herman

Goodbye Herman

“How far can someone go for their 15 minutes of fame?” This is the question that is left with the viewers of the theater production, Hello Herman. This play was presented by Richard Stockton’s theater program from November 13-17, 2013. This was not a funny play or a happy one. It was a play that left it’s viewers speechless, thinking, and a little disgusted. Hello Herman was play a circling around a Pulitzer Prize winner journalist Lax Morales interviewing 16 year old Herman. Herman had just committed one of the greatest crimes of his time. He brought a gun to school and shot 43 students, 2 teachers, and 1 police officer. For this production, I came in expecting a drama filled story investigating the past and the reasons of how a kid could do such a hideous crime. I did not get what I was expecting. The answer and plain and simple; Herman did it, believing it was the right thing to do. He was the stereotypical nerd in school who got bullied and loved violent video games. He was psychologically affected when he was a young boy, from his father’s betrayal, his workaholic mother, and the early death of his little sister. Herman had his own twisted sense of justice. He believed that his deed would lead to a better future: a future where people were just a little nicer, and could learn to respect others. Herman was defiantly insane and most likely suffered from some sort of psychological disease but he was a character I could not bring myself to hate. There were parts of Herman that embodied every young adult who struggled through hardships. It’s no reason for what he did, but I could not help but relate to him, and leave the play wanting to be a little nicer to people.

Volunteering Abroad

On April 8th, 2014 Dr. Michele Barrett-Ross came to the Honors monthly meeting to give a presentation on her volunteering work she had done outside of United States. Dr. Michele,  a veterinary, received her vet degree from Cornell University, and currently works in upstate New York. She had volunteered overseas in Tanzania. She explained her journey and experience in Tanzania in the presentation.

Dr. Barrett was not giving her dream to visit Tanzania to serve the community. So during her graduate school she started looking into various volunteer organizations. She came across an organization called Global Volunteers, and that was her first step towards her dream. Her journey started from Dar es Salam, with no luggage. She never received her luggage on the airport.

After reaching Tanzania, she was startled to see the difference between the two countries, United States and Africa. On one there was a fully flourished, nourished and educated society (United States) and on the other side there was Tanzania, with no meaningful recourses. On reaching Tanzania, the volunteers were divided into groups and allotted tasks as per the need of the area.

Dr. Barrett was assigned with the construction team. They had to build a building upto its roof starting from the base. She also mentioned stories and happenings with her during her stay at Tanzania. She mentions a story were a African kid sees her and starts crying as he had never seen a white person in his entire lifetime. She continues, and says that things that are ordinary and usual around different parts of the world are actually not even existing for certain people in certain parts of the world.

During the QnA session one of the students asked her the cost of the trip and how much should one expect to have before they plan an oversees volunteers work? To which she replied about $5000 to $6000 for about 4 week trip. It is a quite a lot of money for some people, but at the same time there are people like Dr. Barrett who are doing everything possible to give it back to the society.

Before ending her presentation Dr. Barrett mentioned how important it was for us (people with resources ) to go and help out the needy. She also said that, volunteer and gong oversees didn’t necessarily need a vet degree. For her it was one of the most memorable events of her life. Also, globalizing and good deeds not only in ones vicinity but beyond ones reach is definitely appreciable.


Human Trafficking

Coming into the Human Trafficking presentation I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew the basic concept of it since I have watched the movie “Taken”. That’s just it though; it was just a movie, not something that happened in real life. To me it was such an eye opener, to learn so much more about my country, to think that something so unreal was happening just a sixty minute drive away. All of my preconceptions of human trafficking have been uneducated and naive. Human trafficking is a real and a serious issue; that’s what I got out of the presentation.

Many of my fellow classmates may say that the first two speakers were boring but I must disagree. The first two speakers served their purpose as being informative and educational, rather than the third speaker who served more to provide an emotional impact. It was interesting to learn that human trafficking is a worldwide issue and that some places even have legalized prostitution. I have come to realize that making something illegal will sometimes only worsen the problems. One of the issues with human trafficking covered was that countries that criminalize prostitution tend to assault prostitutes as criminals rather than victims.  Usually prostitutes were always portrayed as a problem and as “bad” people but to think of them as victims opened my eyes to a new perspective. One of the most shocking things for me was when the second speaker presented statistics of victim. I wasn’t surprised that 68% of the victims were women but what shocked me was that some of these girls were not only used for sex tools but for organ transplants as well. This was something I never would have expected; it’s such an inhumane, disgusting thing to think about. It’s really horrifying to imagine a young girl, a daughter, a sister, a niece, in a foreign country taken by strange men to be threatened and raped time and time again. In the process of an unqualified person removing her organs, she may even be killed. As a girl who does travel a lot to different countries, and even different states, I have come to realized how dangerous and common Human Trafficking is worldwide and in the United States.

It was the third speaker that definitely had the most impact. My first impression of her was that she seemed like such a sweet, caring, and educated woman. The way she spoke made it feel that I knew her. There was no way I would have labeled her as a foolish woman; rather she was just a hopeful optimistic person. To hear that it happened so easily, so close by to where I live is truly frightening.  When she explained that she had to escape twice and then wasn’t given help mad me angry. This program helped me realize that human trafficking is a problem not only in other countries but here in the states. It’s an issue that needs to be addressed in a way that will treat these so called illegal prostitutes as victims, not criminals.

Constitution Day Speaker

On Wednesday, Sept. 18  2013 at 6 p.m. Stockton celebrated the 9th Annual Constitution Day by inviting Jeffrey Rosen, president and CEO of the National Constitution Center to Stockton to talk with the faculty, students, staff and members of local community. The event was organized in the Campus Center Event Room. The number of individuals who attended the event was outstanding. It was not only Stockton students but also the people from the surrounding neighborhood.

Jeffery Rosen was introduced by President Herman Saatkamp. Rosen mainly talked about the breaching of  privacy, security and other constitutional issues due to the increase in technological fields.  Adding to that he said these breechings are also demising the importance of  1st Amendment. He also openly and firmly stated how the naked body scanners that travelers had to pass through at airports were wrong.

Jeffery Rosen was concerned about the future. He said that with advancement in the technology terms like privacy would be irrelevant.  He said that once drones and camera surveillance would be prevalent in the society, the citizens would lose their personal freedom.  The way he expressed his thoughts was very impressive.

I wasn’t expecting to be so much interested in the speech. Being a Biochemistry Molecular Biology major, there were some political terms and definitions that I couldn’t grasp.  I attended the event just to fulfill the dialog session requirement of Honors, but I’m glad that I  had an opportunity to listen to the thoughts of a respectable and known citizen, Jeffery Rosen.


NAMS Poster Display

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics organized the NAMS Poster Display on 25 April 2014, at Stockton College in lower C/D Atrium. The students in NAMS program have to get involved in research in their junior and senior year, and during the display they explain and introduce the audience to their project and their development.

NAMS Poster Display, is a good opportunity for the freshmen and sophomores to get information about the research they are interested in and would like to peruse in the later years of college. Being a Biochemistry Molecular Biology (BCMB) major I decided to walk around the atrium to have a look around the different researches that were being presented. I was surprised by the turnout of students. The presenters as well as students were exited. The first project that caught my attention was Analysis of the Effects of External Electrochemical Charge on the Astrangia poculata Transcriptome. The project was using electric charge to speed up the growth of corals. Corals are very important for the environment and if they go endangered a lot of other water species would go extinct with it. It was an attempt to improve the lives of corals.

There were a total of 55 presenters, but due to lack of time I could not learn about all the presentations. The few other ones that I went to were Streptobacillus moniliformis Genome Annotation Project, DNA Sequencing and Analysis of New Jersey Coastal Corals and The Comparative Analysis of BCAA Content in Whey, Protein Supplements and Fresh Milks. All the researches were very interesting and fun to know about.

The idea as a whole to display the projects done by the upperclassmen is very helpful. It gave me an idea as to how I should now start fishing for research projects that interest and inspire me. It was a very fruitful one hour spent.

A Talk with Nelson Johnson

Nelson Johnson, the author of Boardwalk Empire came to Stockton on 1st November 2013, to talk to the Honors freshman class. The students of the Honors class had to read his book Boardwalk Empire for the class. I was looking forward to this talk as I had enjoyed reading his book and wanted to know how he personally was.

Nelson Johnson, opened up the conversation with explaining the main reason behind writing the Boardwalk Empire. He said the before Boardwalk Empire the history of Atlantic City was only talked about in components and pieces. There were not any book on the complete history of Atlantic City. So, he decided to do an extensive research on the history of Atlantic City when he was perusing his career as a lawyer, and in the meanwhile compiled his findings into a book.

After his small talk when he asked the students if they had questions, majority of the questions were about the HBO series Boardwalk Empire based on his book. He very serenely answered all the questions. He also told that he really likes the HBO series even though it was not following his book anymore. Additionally, he also said that he got a copy of the script of the program before it aired. This was not because the television crew was asking for his approval but rather he merely asked for the script and that is why he got the script of the  TV series. He was very easy going about the fact that the TV channel wasn’t asking for his approval.

Also, after the talk session he very happily signed the books the for everyone. Unfortunately I had rented by book, and didn’t own it, so couldn’t get his autograph on the book. But otherwise it was a very successful and fruitful talk session presented by Nelson Johnson and I would thank the Honors Program that they arranged the meet and greet.