NAMS Poster Display

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics organized the NAMS Poster Display on 25 April 2014, at Stockton College in lower C/D Atrium. The students in NAMS program have to get involved in research in their junior and senior year, and during the display they explain and introduce the audience to their project and their development.

NAMS Poster Display, is a good opportunity for the freshmen and sophomores to get information about the research they are interested in and would like to peruse in the later years of college. Being a Biochemistry Molecular Biology (BCMB) major I decided to walk around the atrium to have a look around the different researches that were being presented. I was surprised by the turnout of students. The presenters as well as students were exited. The first project that caught my attention was Analysis of the Effects of External Electrochemical Charge on the Astrangia poculata Transcriptome. The project was using electric charge to speed up the growth of corals. Corals are very important for the environment and if they go endangered a lot of other water species would go extinct with it. It was an attempt to improve the lives of corals.

There were a total of 55 presenters, but due to lack of time I could not learn about all the presentations. The few other ones that I went to were Streptobacillus moniliformis Genome Annotation Project, DNA Sequencing and Analysis of New Jersey Coastal Corals and The Comparative Analysis of BCAA Content in Whey, Protein Supplements and Fresh Milks. All the researches were very interesting and fun to know about.

The idea as a whole to display the projects done by the upperclassmen is very helpful. It gave me an idea as to how I should now start fishing for research projects that interest and inspire me. It was a very fruitful one hour spent.