Getting Involved: The Fun Way

Coming into Stockton, one of the things I looked forward to most was getting involved in my school and pursuing my own interests. I wanted to go out and do something instead of just sitting in my dorm room working on schoolwork all day. The Get Involved fair made this very easy for me by showing me every conceivable club there was.

On the first day of the fair, September 19th, all of the clubs were inside at tables, and it was going on from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. I enjoyed seeing all of my options laid out and meeting some of the members of different clubs. Everyone was happy to tell me about why they enjoyed the club and what activities they were involved in. Overall, it was good way to introduce the clubs, because it was not overwhelming and gave me a chance to just sort of casually browse through them as I walked to class without being asked to sign up for anything.

That being said, the second day of the fair, September 20th, was quite a bit more fun, despite the fact that it only went from !0 a.m. to 4 p.m. For one thing, I wasn’t rushing off to class, so I had time to stop at different tables and look at what each had to offer. Also, the tables were outside and it was a beautiful day. My friends and I wandered around, getting free tattoos, food, information, and even a caricature. There were several tables that weren’t from any specific club and were simply people there who had been asked to come by the school. One of these people was doing henna tattoos, something that I have always enjoyed immensely. I wound up getting two henna tattoos, one on the inside of my left wrist (a star surrounded by a sunburst) and one on the back of my right hand (a traditional Indian hand tattoo with a palm leaf pattern).

As a whole, the fair was a great time and I signed up for several clubs’ emailing lists, such as Books Without Borders, the Math Club, and EDIBL, which is a club dedicated to finding alternative food sources, especially insects, and a club which I find endlessly fascinating.