Day of Service

Today was the day of service. I was unsure about the outcome as I had not pre-registered and did not know what my service project would be. When I arrived I discovered that I had several service projects to chose from. I could also decide whether I wanted to stay on campus or go off campus. I found this a bit unfair because those that pre- registered did not have a choice and were assigned to certain projects. Hence, not pre-registering was actually better. I was glad that a clean-up of Lake Fred was an option, as doing clean-ups are often something I enjoy and participate in often. S.H.A.P.E. (Students Helping Animals, Plants, and the Environment) was a club I was very active in in high school and I am very passionate about the environment, hence this was the perfect project for me!

After we registered we all gathered in the Event Room to have breakfast and listen to speakers. When the President spoke he read a letter from his daughter about her experience on September Eleventh. She closed her letter with the statement that many want to respond in rage, but we really need to respond with compassion. That is exactly what we did today. Even though we were commemorating September Eleventh we were also celebrating service. We turned the sadness of the worst attack to occur on American soil (as the E.M.S officer stated) into productively helping others.

From that point on it only improved. The project leaders were extremely friendly, witty, and kind. We also picked up trash at an fairly rapid rate. There were about three bags of trash and two and a half bag of recyclables. I am not sure if these amounts are correct but I believe it was close to that. The club that was in charge of the clean-up was “Water Watch.” They said there are internships and volunteer work that are available through the club. I am very interested in volunteering, since helping the environment is very important to me. They also spoke of Ameri-Corps. One of the projects they are involved in is going to elementary schools and educating students about the environment. This definitely sparked my interest and convinced me to join the club!

Not only did I enjoy helping the environment but I also enjoyed connecting to nature. Walking around the lake was so relaxing. As I looked out onto the lake I totally forgot about all the litter we were picking up and just enjoyed nature in it’s pure form.  I was able to forget about all the problems in the world, such as terrorism and the attacks of September Eleventh, as I stared at the reflection of the sun off of the water. It was so serene and it made me even happier that I chose that service project.

It was so reassuring to see how many people came to participate in the day of service. The event room was full of people! The only people who were obligated to do it were those in the honors program, I believe everyone else did it on their own accord. Further, these people did not seem like they dreaded being there, but seemed rather excited for the day ahead. What was also great was the fact that after the E.M.S. officer spoke to us, everyone stood up and applauded him. That is one thing that is so great about college: people actually want to help and respect others. People are here because they want to better themselves, not because the law forces them to (like high school). There are so many great people who really care about others and want to make a difference. I know that I want to join clubs that are involved in volunteer work and meet even more people who care about making a difference like I do.

Participating in the day of service reaffirmed my desire to make a difference while at Stockton. I do no want my time at Stockton to be simply about me. Yes, I do want to gain knowledge but I do not want this time to only be about my academics. I want to grow as a person by helping others. I want to make a difference! I know this environment gives me the perfect opportunity to help others. There are numerous clubs and organizations willing to help others or I can start my own club! This year has so much in store for me.There are so many opportunities and activities here. I hope to participate in many of them and make the most of my time at Stockton!

-McKenzie Lillia