Borrowing student loans is a common practice used to fund a student’s college education. Although we recommend borrowing as a last resort, it is sometimes necessary to cover a student’s
Utilizing a loan or loans to help pay the cost of your education? There are a few things you should know regarding repayment of these loans. **Before reading, please note
The April 15 FAFSA filing deadline is one of the most important financial aid deadlines for New Jersey residents applying to or attending an NJ college or university. But why?
Once a student files the FAFSA, they may be randomly selected by the U.S. Department of Education, for review in a process called Verification. Stockton University is required by federal regulations to
A student who is selected for Federal or State verification may be required to submit additional financial documentation to our office. Using the IRS DRT (Data Retrieval Tool) is the
The State of New Jersey recognizes that not all students pursuing a college education are U.S. Citizens or Eligible Non-Citizens. DACA students, also referred to as Dreamers, who are neither
While there is no time limit to receiving Federal Direct Loans, there is a limit on the amount that students are eligible to borrow from the federal government. Dependent undergraduate