You’re receiving financial aid, but how can you make sure that you remain eligible? Remember, financial aid is earned. Even if you’re financially eligible for aid, there are other requirements
Attending college in the 2025-2026 academic year? One of the top bullet points on your to do list should be to complete the 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Did you know that several financial aid programs have enrollment requirements? That means that in order to receive financial aid from specific aid programs, you must be enrolled in and
Cost of Attendance (COA) vs the bill? They’re the same thing, right? If you said “yes,” you would be incorrect! It’s very common for students and families to think think
Updates are being made to this blog regularly as new information becomes available. Please see below. Bolded information was updated on 6/15/2023. As a result of COVID-19 relief efforts, a
Hey Ospreys! Guess what time it is! You’ve got that right! It’s financial aid time! We know, we’ve been asking you to apply for financial aid and complete your requirements
Update: The below information is now not applicable, as Federal Student Loan Debt Relief has been blocked. Applications are no longer being accepted and no applications previously submitted are being
It’s disbursement time, Ospreys! You might be asking yourself, “what in the world is disbursement?” It’s not as scary as it sounds – we promise! When you secure financial aid