This summer The Master’s Review published “Picnic,” my 970 word flash fiction sentence, under their “New Voices” section (they must not have know how old I was!). And Cutleaf printed my story “Leave” around the same time.
In the Spring, I was fortunate to have my story “Before Hand Met Hand” published in the great Canadian speculative journal Lackington’s before it closed press. And the French Press Short Edition, also on hiatus, accepted my flash fiction about early COVID, “Channel Five.”
I was excited that, back in January Electric Lit took my story “Lint” publishing it in their weekly “Commuter”. Also in January, Land Luck Review published my flash piece on “The 80’s.”
Sundog also published two of my stories, “Stray” and “True Tale.” And SUNY Oswego’s journal Subnivean graciously accepted my flash fiction “Francis”.
In Fall, 2021, I was so thrilled that my flash fiction piece about a trans girl, “Summer of Joy” won The Waking Flash Fiction Award, which is part of Ruminate.