Economic Teach In

On November 6, 2014, I went to the Economics Teach In which was held right outside F-111. It consisted of multiple economic professors speaking about the significance of the casino closings in Atlantic City. In addition to the professors, there were dedicated economists to the specific issue, and individuals who support the people whom are affected. Knowing very little on the subject other than the general idea that the casinos are closing and in some way or another someone is being affected economically. I did not take into consideration a point which Dr. Oliver Cooke focused on was the multiplier effect. With the casinos closing in Atlantic City, it is obvious to realize that people are being hurt within the city, but the surrounding cities are harmed as well. For example, many people lived in the cities around Atlantic City and commuted there for work within the casinos. This caused a significant decrease in spending for consumers due to the lack of a paycheck that the former workers had, so cities around Atlantic City are being just as harmed financially speaking.

An emotional note that was brought up was an organization that helps the people stricken by poverty in the now failing city  by trying to get them back on their feet in help with finding a job and while the process is happening, the organization provides food and clothing to the job seekers and their families.

Get Involved Fair

On September 17th, 2014, Stockton held its once-a-semester event, the Get Involved Fair, that helps clubs and organizations become known, especially to new students such as myself, become more involved in their time at Stockton. Each club at the event tries to appeal to students with different approaches, whether it be candy or a spin the wheel and win a prize set-up. Many clubs appealed to myself, and being a commuter I had doubts whether or not it was something I could do. I spoke to the club that organizes students to help with the people who are now poverty stricken as many lost their jobs with the mass casino closings. The man I spoke to was informative, and he even brought along a resident of the district and it was extremely heartfelt to me as I live right outside of the city. In addition to the more community service clubs, such as Circle K, there are clubs that appeal for entertainment and sport, such as the Fencing Club, or the Gaming Club. Overall the experience was rewarding in the fact that, as a Stockton commuter, it increased my knowledge and notice in clubs that I would rather likely not hear about due to my non residency at the college, where many meetings and events are held at times I am not there. I also enjoyed the fact every club table I went to was engaging to the any student, whether they live on campus or off, and I enjoyed meeting other students that had similar hobbies as I do.

Donate for a Cause

On September 18, 2014, I volunteered at the Red Cross Blood Drive located in the Sports Center. It was a two day event, starting on September 17, but continued to the 18th. Students, Faculty, and any other individual that wanted to donate for a great cause came in and signed in. If they were approved, the individual would move to a blood donation table where they would lay down and a nurse would prepare them for their donation. After the donation process was complete and the individual was bandaged up, they moved over to a table where myself and a group of volunteers waited for the people who donated in which we would give them a candy bar, and their choice of orange juice or water. It was a delightful experience due to the amount of people that wanted to be there for a positive change in the world, but as someone who has never really helped out at a blood drive before, it was a slightly scary experience. For example, in my hour time slot there, two people passed out and it was truly frightening. Luckily the staff at the blood drive were very attentive and aided the individuals right away, constantly checking to make sure they were okay and even helped move them to a private table with a screen so the individual would not feel embarrassed. I really enjoyed my time at the blood drive as it was truly not something I experienced before and having it go to a great cause only made it better. Regardless of the very minimal frightening events I had seen there, I would recommend the experience to anyone who enjoys helping out.