Freshman Blogging Project #3: Phillies Trip

On October 3, 2014, the members of the Stockton Public Relations Student Society of America traveled from Galloway, New Jersey, to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to participate in an activity that some people will never be able to take part in. Club members were given the opportunity to take a personal tour of Citizens Bank Park, home of the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team.

Before starting the tour, an expert guide gave each of the members an overview on the history of the Phillies through a short video presentation. Once the clip concluded, the PRSSA was off to explore the ins and outs of the stadium. The tour started with a look at the private suites that overlook the field. Then, the guide took everyone into the broadcasting booths along with the press box to show all of the club members exactly what it looks like on the opposite side of the camera. After exploring the media rooms, the tour guide then took the tour group down a special hallway filled with the history of baseball and the Phillies team. Some of the items showcased included a chair from the original home stadium, the molded hand of Roy Halladay, and photographs of famous players spanning from the beginning of the sport until the present day. A visit to the Diamond Club was next on the list, where everyone got to take a peek at the batting cages that the team uses for practice. After the club, a visit to the field was scheduled. The guide allowed all of those on the tour to step onto the field and into the dugouts. Everyone took pictures to savor the moment because many will probably never get the chance to do such a thing again. Finally, the tour ended in the press conference area. After everyone was seated, a speaker came in to answer any questions that the group had about the Phillies, the park, or even the business of it all. Once all questions were answered, each member of the group received a special pin to commemorate the day.

As a big fan of Philadelphia sports teams, I knew that I would adore the activities offered during the tour before the group even left campus. I enjoyed being able to see the entire park without anyone being there because during games, it can get very crowded and overwhelming. Not only was the tour interesting, but the information about the business and how the park and franchise is run was also very helpful. I would love to be able to work for the Phillies or any Philadelphia team one day. It would surely be a fun experience.

Freshman Blogging Project #2: Get Involved Fair

On Tuesday, September 16th and Wednesday, September 17, 2014, the halls of Stockton College were filled with eager young men and women ready to get involved in college life. Hundreds of students ranging from freshmen to seniors came out to the semi- annual “Get Involved Fair.” Student leaders of various clubs on campus set up tables lining the academic buildings to showcase their organizations with the hopes of attracting the attention of those passing by. These club members and leaders encouraged all students to visit their tables and find out exactly what their groups had to offer. The fair featured a club for almost all interests. They ranged from academics to athletics, art to humanitarianism, and volunteer to human-interest based organizations. If, by chance, a student did not see a club that he or she wanted to join, that student could easily create one.

Along with posters and decorations, club members used several creative techniques to draw interest to their groups. Circle K, a community service organization, handed out plastic zip- lock bags containing the ingredients required to make s’mores. This treat served as a reminder to attend their meetings. Other organizations, like WLFR and PRSSA, handed out items like stickers and flyers to promote their clubs. SSTV played clips of their television show on a laptop to showcase the work of the club. These marketing techniques drew in dozens of people.

The entire experience of the “Get Involved Fair” was very interesting. I had a great time meeting so many new people and expanding my horizons. Along the way, I found some very interesting clubs that I am excited to join. It certainly showed me exactly how much Stockton really has to offer and how easy it is to get involved.

Freshman Blogging Project #1: RA Program

As children, we constantly heard the saying “don’t wish the time away.” Of course, being kids who had not experienced the struggles of adulthood, we constantly wanted to be older. In elementary school, I can remember thinking how great it would to be an adult. It was a world that I thought I knew so much about- a perfect world with no worry or struggle. There was no one there to say no or yell because “grown ups” were the elders. As it turns out, I was sadly mistaken.

As I walked into my dorm room for the first time, without my mom or dad by my side, I knew that I was officially an independent adult- to an extent. Unfortunately, the feelings of happiness and excitement did not rush over me as I imagined. I was nervous about being on my own and scared of the new challenges that I would soon face. I, of course, fell into my same naive thinking and wanted nothing more than for the time to pass quickly.

On Friday September 5, 2014, the first and second floors of our residence hall gathered into one common room for our first of many RA sponsored programs. We were set to watch the film 13 going on 30– one that I had never seen. I thought this movie was going to be a classic “chick flick” with no real meaning behind it, but filled with great entertainment nonetheless. As I sat on the floor, enjoying popcorn with 30 other girls, I was pleasantly surprised by the valuable lessons that this film brought out in each new scene. The idea of never wishing time away fit perfectly into the experience that we were and still are going through. Jenna thinks that her life is so tough. She tries to be a part of the “cool group,” hurting her true friends to get her way. Unfortunately, things do not go as planned and Jenna decides that she wants to be “30, flirty, and thriving.” Magically, her wish comes true. From the outside, her life as an adult may have seemed like the one that I had imagined as a child. However, from the inside, it was clearly far from perfect. After she sees what a disappointment her “adult” life turned out to be, Jenna returns to her normal, 13-year-old self. As she sits alone in the closet, Jenna realizes that she should enjoy her time as a child and be herself. This does not include being a part of the popular group, formally known as the “six chicks.”

Watching this film and discussing its meaning with all of my new friends helped me to realize that although college might seem a little scary and intimidating, it’s what a person makes of it. I can have one of the best experiences of my life here, and it’s up to me to make it happen. I shouldn’t wish my time away because, as I have found out before, I’ll live to regret it. As long as I am being myself and I am happy with the person I am, nothing can bring me down.