Julian Zelizer Constitution Day

The event that was held on September 19, 2017 was Constitution Day. Here, a man named Julian Zelizer, a historian featured on shows and in articles from sources such as CNN, talked to us about history of US presidents, the constitution, and what this all means for today’s generation. He talked to the audience about Donald Trump, his supporters, his rejecters, as well as his use of Twitter and things he posts to here. He also made reference of Donald Trump to relating former presidents like Richard Nixon (who left office before impeached.) Julian Zelizer also discussed how Donald Trump has a loaded House of Representatives of Republicans. This can be unfair for a bias of Republican beliefs are set in place because they support Trump. However, Zelizer said, just because there is a bias, he can still be removed from office. What Zelizer discussed related to points in the book Trust Me I’m Lying. Trump utilizes media manipulation. His tweets often stir anger, hence getting his word out there and have it be spread as Ryan Holiday suggests. Another topic that Trump rejecters believe is that Trump is leading us to bad things. Zelizer also touched on this. Some see it negative that since he became president, he has tried to rid of healthcare and create barriers whether for the good or for the bad. Many believe America should be about building bridges not walls. Also since his rise to power, war with North Korea is closer than ever before. Testing nuclear missiles to reach America has become a common practice of North Korea, and Trump has already threatened, if North Korea does not stop practicing these techniques, he will match them with “”They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen”. Many see this as a scary thought. As Einstein once said, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” Whether it’s Trump, who is a possibility, or Kim Jong Un, who fires the first nuclear missile, the world will be demolished. Because of NATO and other such treaties, once one nuclear bomb goes off, everyone starts firing their nukes at everyone else until the world is destroyed. If one has seen the movie, “War Games”, you will know what this issue expressed. Trump also remarked that there are no peaceful agreements between us and North Korea. There is only physical war left as an option, while Trump’s advisers say there is always a diplomatic solution. Trump rejecters do not favor the lack of agreement in the White House. Julian Zelizer however provides some relief to this topic for those who do not support Trump, and those questioning their beliefs. If Trump gets out of hand, we can take care of it and relieve him of his duties. Also, many bills and more can’t just be passed by the president alone. They can also be protested, so Trump isn’t 100% in power of the United States. This is why we love the Constitution! What the whole speech relates to. The Constitution helps regulate people of power for the betterment of the people. Whether you love or hate Trump, he is regulated thanks to our Founding Fathers. So no matter the case, whether through Trump’s beliefs alone or group agreement, the best will happen for this great Country!