SET Movie Night: Central Intelligence

The Stockton Entertainment Team, more commonly known around campus as SET, is one of the most active groups on campus. Almost every day there’s a new event sponsored by SET that any one can go to. Not only that, but all of them are free for students. One of their most popular events is their free movie showings in the Campus Center Theater every Thursday and Saturday at 8:30. Every week is a different film, and all of them are fairly current—the movies showing now were released this past summer in cinemas. Entry is free of charge for students, and they receive a raffle ticket (at the end of the movie, students use these for a chance to receive prizes like free movie tickets and posters) as well as a complimentary snack and drink. I have been to the first two movies, but this review will be about the September 15 showing of Central Intelligence, starring Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart. The movie itself wasn’t one I’d see normally, but all feelings aside, I had a great time. It was well put together and very funny, and the underlying message of embracing yourself and moving forward after trauma was very sweet. Going got me out of my comfort zone, and it was a chance to do something fun with new friends. This is especially important for freshman, as even 2 weeks in we’re still navigating the waters of Stockton. SET has many activities with this aim, and showed this through their multiple events during Welcome Week. The fact that they’re able to provide this for students, especially at no cost, is truly remarkable. This organization really cares about their peers, and realizes the financial and emotional hardships that students have to persevere through. This series gives students a chance to relax with friends and enjoy themselves, even if only for 2 hours. The free snacks and drinks are things you’d actually buy at a cinema, the picture quality of the film was excellent, the facility was clean and comfortable, and the whole theater had an aura of relaxation and pure fun. They put this event together with their peers in mind, and I applaud SET for all the work they do.