University Weekend

Stockton University hosted its annual family weekend from October 8th to October 11th, although many of the main events occurred on Saturday, October 10th. Saturday morning began with a parents’ breakfast at 10am (an atrociously early time for a Saturday, as college students believe) in the Campus Center. After the breakfast, families gathered in the court outside of K-wing to prepare for the parade. Students were given “boom whackers,” which, although they were intended to celebrate the parade floats, also functioned as dueling weapons for rival siblings and friends. Directly after the parade, which showcased floats from many of Stockton’s clubs and organizations, students and families were directed to parking lot 5, which is in front of Big Blue, for the carnival. At the carnival, anyone (as long as he or she met the height and weight requirements) could participate in any of the carnival activities. These activities included bounce houses, obstacle courses, a rock wall, and tables with representatives from different organizations at Stockton. One of the popular activities was an inflatable dueling platform, where friends and foes tried to knock their opponents off of a platform using an inflatable wand. Another activity that both students and their younger siblings enjoyed was the bungee trampoline. The participant was secured into a harness that was attached to bungee cords. Once ready, the participant was able to jump on the trampoline and, if they dared, perform backflips.   For the students and families that enjoy sports, there was a men’s soccer game on the field next to Big Blue. Since the weather was beautiful, many families also took nature walks around Lake Fred before saying goodbye to their students and heading home. The last activity of the day for students was the Osprey Ball, which included food, dancing, and a photo booth. Overall, University Weekend was a success in entertaining students and families and building Stockton’s community.