Honors 10th Anniversary Celebration

On Thursday, October 8th, the Stockton Honors Program celebrated its 10th anniversary.  The celebration, which was attended by students, staff, alumni, and current and former administrators was divided into two parts: a reflection session for students, and a gathering in the Campus Center with light refreshments.  In addition, the director of West Florida University’s Honors Program, Dr. Gregory Lanier, was invited to Stockton to write a program review and interview students about their opinions of the Honors Program.

The first part of the night was the reflection session, which began at 4:30.  About 25 honors students gathered to have a discussion with Dr. Lanier about their opinions of the Honors Program.  Most students agreed that they love the community the Stockton Honors Program has created, and that they hope to do more volunteer work and service learning in the future.

The second part of the anniversary celebration was held in the Campus Center event room, with refreshments such as fruit and mini quiches provided by Chartwell’s.  The gathering recognized many of the Honors Program’s leaders, including Dr. Rosner.  Stockton University President Dr. Harvey Kesselman also attended, and gave a short speech about how much the Honors Program has grown since its creation in 2005.

I thoroughly enjoyed the Honors Program 10th Anniversary Celebration.  It really inspired me, as well as the other attendees, to put our all into bettering the Honors Program here at Stockton.  I also was able to meet and speak with President Kesselman, which was an honor.  Hopefully by the time the Honors Program turns twenty it will be even better, thanks to the hard work of my peers and myself.