Blog 4: 2015 Get Involved Fair

On September 16 and 17, the Offices of Student Development and Service Learning sponsored Stockton University’s Get Involved Fair. Open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, the event spread out through the galleries of A Wing to J Wing. For the unprepared morning visitor, the festive atmosphere was as energizing as a cup of coffee – and nearly as good-smelling, what with the baked goods and soft pretzels.

The hallways, so thronged with students it was impossible to walk in a straight line, were bordered with club tables. In addition to displaying interesting posters, many organizations offered bowls of candy and free t-shirts which, as I can personally attest, were quite effective at luring in prospective members. Most impressive was the sheer variety of school groups, ranging from sororities to sports teams. Whether a student came with the hopes of playing the guitar or playing videogames, learning leadership skills or learning about neuroscience, the fair covered it all. There were clubs of art, dance, and theatre. There were societies celebrating culture and societies celebrating religion. There was even a life sized cut-out of the Pope that startled me every time I walked by. A good percentage of the programs were oriented towards service work, including Water Watch, Circle K. International, and the Animal Friendly Organization. Others, such as Campus Philly and the Education Society, served as an outlet for students to experience and connect with jobs. Still others existed for the sole purpose of enabling like-minded individuals to cut loose. Quidditch, anyone?

Then came the hard part: making a decision. With only 24 hours in each day and mounting piles of homework, participating in over 100 clubs is highly impractical. I therefore limited to myself to a handful of tables – The Argo, Stockpot, and a few community service groups. The Get Involved Fair, true to its name, was a fun way to get involved and peruse the endless opportunities offered by Stockton University.