On Friday, September 11, 2015 Stockton offered a bingo night for all of its students. The event began at 8:00 PM and lasted until 10:00 PM. Nearly fifty participants strolled into the large Coffeehouse in the Campus Center to join in the festivities.

Upon arrival students swiped in and were welcomed by a young woman running the event. Students were welcome to take a snack and drink. The snack offered was Rice Crispy Treats and the drinks were sodas and waters. Students then took their Bingo cards. Each player receives three Bingo cards to play with. Although having three cards does not increase the probability of one winning, they do make the game move a lot faster. The speed of the games makes it much more intense and enjoyable. Students could be heard whispering, chanting and giggling with excitement from across the room as the students came closer to getting Bingo. The entire room was buzzing by the end of the night. The event was a wonderful opportunity for students of all ages to enjoy and interact, as well as make new friends and visit among old ones.

The bingo numbers were announced loudly and players could mark their boards. The numbers were repeated two times and then put up on a large electronic display for all players to be able to see. All boards had a free space on them, in the center. We played many different forms of Bingo including The Number 7, a Straight Line, Black Out, Four Corners, a T, and an X. When a player got Bingo, he loudly announced it and moved to the front of the room to get his card checked. When the Bingo was verified, he received a raffle ticket to be in the running to get a prize. Often we would have several winners for one round of Bingo. Two raffles took place over the night, one at 9:00 and one at 10:00. There were a total of twenty prizes given out, ten movie tickets and ten Wawa gift cards.