Second Stockton Event


For my second Stockton event I chose to attend the Get Involved Fair on campus.  The Get Involved Fair was hosted on September 17th and 18th in the Main Campus Building in Wings A through J.  The Fair attracts nearly one hundred student clubs and community service agencies.  I decided to attend this event because I wanted to join a few clubs to occupy my time productively and to meet new students at Stockton who share similar interests.

I attended the Get Involved Fair on the 17th with two of my friends from high school, Sarah and Erica, who also go to Stockton.  The Fair was busy and the A through J Wings were filled with students looking for clubs to join.  I was at the fair for approximately an hour and met club officers and other student members of clubs I wanted to join.  I decided to sign up for two clubs, the Stockton Circle-K and the Animal Friendly Organization.  Circle-K is a service club that participates in volunteer work throughout the community.  I participated in Key Club, a similar service club, during high school and figured that I would enjoy Circle-K activities.  I signed up for the Stockton Animal Friendly Organization because I enjoy helping out with my local animal shelter in Cape May and because I recognize the value of animal rights.  I was a vegan during my sophomore and junior year of high school and am currently in the process of switching back to an animal-free diet. I care about the furry critters of this planet and I wanted to socialize and volunteer with other students who share my same ideas.


The Get Involved Fair hosted many clubs in addition to the two I selected.  The wide array of club options was almost overwhelming but it also a positive sign that students can be involved on campus according to their specific interest.  The club tables were organized neatly on either side of the hallways and the current club members were helpful in answering my questions.  I will definitely be attending the Get Involved Fair again to sign up for a few more intriguing organizations.


Beach Sweep

On October 19th a large amount of students from Stockton College and people in the Atlantic City community got together in front of the Rain Forest Café on the Atlantic City boardwalk at 9:00am to participate in the Atlantic City Beach Sweep.  We all stood there listening to brief speeches on why Clean Ocean Action hosts beach sweeps and what you can do to stay involved.  As you may have guessed, they host beach sweeps to keep the beaches clean and help keep the environment healthy and clean and to help the marine life thrive.

After these speeches, we got into groups of two and three, grabbed some trash bags, a few recycle bags, a t-shirt, and a checklist and walked on the beach eager to get started.  Each time we saw some trash, we picked it up and checked off what we picked up.  The point of checking off the items and keeping track of how many of each thing we picked up was so that it can be tallied and recorded for future reference.  We were informed that each time a beech sweep is done, the information on the trash picked up is recorded and from that there have been many laws and regulations passed to help prevent trash build up and pollution on the beaches.

After picking up garbage for about two and a half hours, we all carried our full bags up to the boardwalk and took pictures to savor the moment.  While we were taking pictures the Barenaked Ladies set up and got ready to perform a small show for all of the people who worked to clean up the beach that morning.  They helped out on the beach sweep but were pretty sneaky about it.  Spotting them was definitely the challenge of the day.  Yet, when it was all over they sang their hearts out for us performing almost every request and making jokes the whole time about the trash.

After they finished performing, we all whistled and clapped thanking them for playing just for us and for their help cleaning up the beach.  It didn’t really seem like they wanted to take pictures or sign autographs but after running up and asking they said of course and I was able to sneak away with a picture with the lead singer.

All in all it was a lot of fun.  The beach wasn’t nearly as polluted as I thought it was going to be so it was actually tons of fun.  It kind of felt like a treasure hunt…except the treasure was trash.  But, looking back it was so much fun and getting to see the Barenaked Ladies afterwards made it even better.  I would totally do it again.