The 10th Annual Day of Service

The event that I attended was Richard Stockton College’s 10th Annual Day of Service  held on 7th September 2013, starting at 8:00 am. The event was  hosted by the Office of Service Learning. As it was the 10th Annual Day of Service it was pretty unique in the way that the services were at different locations in Atlantic City. The Day of Service was a good way for freshmen to start getting involved. Also, the upperclassmen, faculty and teachers had a good time working as a team for the betterment of the community and its residents.

A lot of service options were available at this year’s Day of Service. It allowed the participants to have the taste of perseverance and patience. It was also a great way to work voluntarily towards one’s area of interest or towards one’s career option or just fell free and pick any activity one wanted to do. Out of the many services available some were; helping out artists on boardwalk with their art exhibition, making blankets, cleaning up for Miss America pageant, painting, getting people registered to vote and many more. It was a good way to give something back to the community, learn new things, develop new skills and most importantly get a chance to make new friends and long lasting bonds.

Narrowing down to my personal experience, I was the part of Do Art group. We were helping the artists who were having an art exhibition at the boardwalk. Initially, my group was told that we were just going to help the artists set up their tables for the exhibition and give them anything if they wanted. But after reaching there I found out there was more to it than just setting up the tables. We sold t-shirts for the organizers of the Do Art event on the boardwalk, it was a hard job. Also, I had to look after a crystal jewelry designer’s table when she left her booth to get her lunch and, in the meanwhile I had to deal with some customers too. We also had to get the people from the other side of the boardwalk towards the art exhibition. As the Do Art event was on the boardwalk it required a lot of walking in the scorching sun.

Eventually it was a fun experience for me and other students who were a part of Do Art. I learned how important it was too be patient while selling those t-shirts and also how to keep customers busy and engaged while looking after the jewelry designer’s booth. After the event our group had a small reflection session and then we just took the bus back to Stockton and dispersed. Stockton arranges a couple of more Day of Services around the year which I’m looking forward to attend.