Serving with Circle K

This week I attended my weekly Circle K meeting. Circle K is a student organization on campus that is service oriented. The meetings are every Wednesday in room L112. Meetings always start off the same way: our President, Lauren, rings the traditional Kiwanis International, our parent organization, bell to get the meeting started. From there, it is business as usual. We go over the many event we have coming up during the rest of October such the Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk and our club project that is our Adopt-A-Road program on Tilton Road where we have to clean up that road every so often. Then we talked about the several social events we will be hosting soon like a movie night for the club on Friday, and the New Jersey District Club Rally at Drew University on Sunday.

After handling the business of upcoming club and district events, we talked about our weekly service projects. On Mondays club members can go to a program called Campus Kitchen at Atlantic City High School and help serve meals to people in need. On Tuesdays, there’s Project Linus in which students help make teddy bears, blankets and pillow cases that get donated to several different hospitals. Wednesdays is on-campus service that has a new service project every week, and Thursday is Salvation Army where we go to the local Salvation Army and help the kids there with their homework and alsoon Thursday and Tuesday we go to Sunrise which is an assisted living facility and we go and play games and interact with the residents. Finally, on Friday club members can go to the Atlantic City Rescue Mission and help serve dinner to the homeless.

Finally, after all of this, comes the end of the meeting. At the end of every meeting we have a tradition of introducing ourselves, saying what we are happy for that week and putting some change in a plastic piggy bank named ‘Porkahontas’. This is also usually the longest part of the meeting. At the end of the year, all of the money that was collected in Porkahontas will be donated to several charities.

Overall, I really enjoy going to the Circle K meetings. It gives me a break from the rest of college life and everyone there is very nice so I always leave having had a great time. Although some of it is just repeating the same things we hear every week it doesn’t really get old as some would imagine. I also like the idea behind Porkahontas. It really makes you think of all the positive things going on in your life. Even if people in the club are having a rough week they can always find one thing to talk about to be their happy thought for the week. Circle K is definitely a great club to be in and I am so happy I decided to join.