Scott Ribinsky Freshman Blog

Scott Ribinsky

Freshman Blog number 2

I attended the Campus Center Movie Night and saw This is the End.  This is the End is a comedy about the apocalypse staring Seth Rogan, James Franco, Jonah Hill, and Jay Baruchel.  This movie was interesting because all of the actors in this movie played themselves.  The movie begins with a party at James Franco’s house.  However, everything changes when the apocalypse takes place.  During the apocalypse most of the population is sucked up into heaven, but most of the actors are left on earth.  The actors must find a way to survive while the world falls apart around them, while also trying to please god and get lifted into heaven.

I enjoyed the movie, I thought it was funny but there was a lot of hype for it and the movie did not satisfy my expectations.  The film also took a dark and borderline horror aspect to it, which caught me of guard.  The event itself was run very well, the theater was filled up for the movie, which is a testament on how well it was planned out.  The prizes that were given out were chosen well.  This event is pretty cool because they always show newer movies.  I look forward to going to see the next movie night.