University Weekend

Over the weekend of October 8th through 11th, Stockton celebrated university weekend. It was the first one celebrated since the college became a university. There was a bunch of activities to participate in for students, families, and alumnis. Also, for the first time ever, they awarded a Stockton student with the golden osprey award. There was a lot of participants in all of the events that were provided. With all the activities and people, it turned out to be an awesome weekend filled with games, a t-shirt swap, a spirit night, a comedy show, a parade and a carnival. Personally, I attended a lot of the events that took place. My three favorites were spirit night, the comedy show, and the carnival.

Spirit night was a fun filled night of music and entertainment.  All of the clubs, sports and organizations were announces and some even performed. The cheerleaders, the dance team, and a capella group were of those who performed. They were all really awesome and entertaining. It was there where the gold Osprey winner was announced. The winner was an absolute inspiration and deserved the award 100%. Those in attendance received a University Weekend t-shirt and pizza. In addition to all of those parts, all those who were at spirit night, got to stay after and get very good seats for the comedy show.

The comedy show was another one of my favorite events. Carly Aquilino, from MTV’s Girl Code, was the star of the show. She was absolutely hilarious. I do not think there was even one word that came out of her mouth that I did not laugh at. There were many people that attended this event. It was a big thing because the comedian was famous. At the end of the show, she ended up doing a Q and A. Even during this, she was making me laugh. The SET did an awesome job with providing this event and I can not wait to see what they have in store for the university weekends to come.

Lastly, the carnival was also a great event. This event was great for families to attend because there was something for every family member to enjoy. If students did not see their families for a while, this was a nice place to catch up. There was food, games, music and different organizations set up tables. The food was fresh off the grill and delicious. The games includes a rock climbing wall, a trampoline, a dunk tank, and an inflatable obstacle course.  The music was played by a DJ and all of the songs were up to date and well known.

Overall, university weekend was a great experience. There was so many different things to do for students, all members of the family, and alumni. It is awesome to see how much school spirit Stockton University has. I hope that university weekend will continue being this well done for the rest of my years here at Stockton. If students did not participate in this one, I would highly suggest attending an event next year.