Getting Involved!

As you all may know, Stockton just recently held it’s latest Get Involved Fair!  As a freshman, it looked like a great opportunity.  So, after some slight begging, I rounded up a few friends and we walked from A to N in search of the coolest clubs on campus.

Each club had it’s own cute little set up going on and everyone at each table was pretty enthusiastic about what they do in their club and how to get involved.  Stockton literally has a little bit of everything for everyone.

While I didn’t have the opportunity to run any of the stands, I did find some really cool clubs and found out that a majority of the clubs on campus aim to serve their community.  Each club does what they can to get involved and help out those around us.  For a college, I’d say that’s pretty good.

So, in our travels, we all signed up for emails and updates about the clubs we found most intriguing and we all made sure to get some souvenirs.  After all, who doesn’t want to join a club that offers free cookies or a real nice bag?  Maybe some pens too, I mean who doesn’t need another pen?

All in all it was a pretty great experience and a fabulous opportunity!  So, if you missed out on this year’s Get Involved Fair then make sure to do your research and don’t miss the next one!  It was really cool and definitely worthwhile to go.  Stockton has so much to offer so if you’re one of those people who says it doesn’t then make sure you go to the next Get Involved Fair!  I promise you’ll find at least one thing to get involved in because let me tell you, there is definitely something for everyone!