PetSmart 11/17/12

The Honors Program requires freshman to attend at least three service events by the end of the first semester.  I had first thought this to be an annoyance, considering it to be another obstacle to success.  This viewpoint changed rapidly when I realized the numerous options for volunteering; instead of an unwanted task, there was the possibility of doing something truly enjoyable.  This hope became reality at the Circle K meeting on November 14th, where I learned about the weekly event at the local PetSmart.

This volunteering opportunity consists of playing with animals for two hours, namely beagles and various kittens.  The idea is to keep them entertained as they wait for adoption, and even to raise interest to potential pet owners.  And, being an animal fanatic, I enjoyed every second of the experience.

I consider myself a professional at dealing with felines, and so spent a majority of my time with them. They ran up to me eagerly, daring me to chase them.  They swatted at feathers, and tackled each other if I was preoccupied.  At one point, ten kittens were chasing my one laser-pointer, going to extreme heights to snag the light.  Two hours eventually wore them out, and they began lying upon each other, content with intermittent petting.  Needless to say, there are now countless pictures of kittens on my phone.

Out actions may seem inconsequential, but I truly believe that those were two hours well spent.  Not only was the experience personally enjoyable, but the animals clearly relished the time with us.  It goes against the traditional idea of volunteering, but that makes it all the more special: countless people devote their time to soup kitchens, but few would bother improving the daily lives of caged animals.  I know for a fact that I will be returning to PetSmart, and encourage others to do the same.