SET: Dinner and a Show

            On Tuesday, September 18, 2012, around 7:50pm, my roommate and I were headed to the cafeteria in the Campus Center for a bit of a late dinner. While we were walking, two students came up to us and asked if we liked free food. Being broke college freshmen, we both eagerly responded with a resounding, “yes!”. The two students then informed us about Dinner and a Show.  This program was being presented by SET, which is short for Stockton Entertainment Team. They told us that the event was being held in the Campus Center Event Room and that there would be food and music, both of which were being provided to Stockton students free of charge. My roommate and I went just to see what it was about, and we ended up having a great time.

            Upon entering the Event Room we were greeted by the smiling faces of many members of SET. They directed us toward to the two buffet style tables that were filled with food. We grabbed plates and filled them with chicken parmesan, pasta, and salad. The food tasted great, and we even got to go up for seconds.  We sat at a table with some other people that we didn’t know prior to attending the event, but we introduced ourselves and had made some new friends by the end of the night.    

            While we were eating, we were introduced to the night’s musical guest named Matt Wade. He was a singer and accompanied himself on the piano. There was a small stage set up in the front of the event room where he preformed and was equipped with a keyboard and a microphone. He sang some original songs that were very catchy and well written, and he also sang some familiar songs that got almost everyone singing along. I’m a singer and I love music, so I found being able to attend this event to hear music and even get to sing a little to be so much fun. While the students in the room were enjoying the music, members of SET came around and took pictures of all the tables. These pictures made their way onto the SET facebook page, making us all a little famous. Also, even though we were all so full from all of the food we had consumed, many of us found room for some of the cake that was provided.

            I found this event completely on accident, and was just lucky enough to have wandered into the Campus Center at the perfect time that Tuesday night. I was able to have some great food, be entertained by a talented musician, and meet some new people, all at no expense to me. SET did a great job with the event and everything ran very smoothly. I am very happy that I was able to attend the program and become aware of SET, because now I will be sure to take advantage of more of the awesome things that they make available to students, such as Dinner and a Show, or one of my new favorites, the cupcake bar!