To all my fellow honors kids out there who have not yet registered for classes. Here’s some advice. Get all the CRN numbers for the classes you want. When you first click on register, a banner comes on and you have to have the CRN numbers ready if you don’t want to waste time looking through the catalog again. Let me warn you…IT WILL BE STRESSFUL. I was personally freaking out! Like my hands were shaking…and I agree that’s a little overdoing it but I cant help it when I’m stressed…so have your stuff ready to go.
I cant repeat this enough, and I’m sure you’ve all heard it a bazillion times: but make back up schedules and have those ready to go too. Make sure you visit the website and see how the seats are filling up the morning of the your registration day at least so you have the most updated information and keep looking until your time to register comes. Make sure you get that secret website from Widjaja just in case the network crashes. It’s even a good idea to register in the honors center so that you have some honors kids there helping you out. Don’t use the wireless connection, its more likely to crash…have a wire connecting your computer to the internet.
Make sure there are no holds on your account and that you have all the POIs (Permission of Instructor) if you need them. Talk to the professor you want to take the class with to get the POI, send them an email AND visit them….it gets you brownie points and its more professional.
Make sure you have access to a computer at least one hour before you have to register just in case there is a problem in the system again and you can register early. It would totally suck if you lost your chance to get in early when everyone else is doing it so be prepared. And that’s all that I can think of…except for one thing: DON’T FORGET TO BREATHE.
Luv ya all! 🙂
<3 Kimia