Day of Service

The Day of Service, run by the Office of Student Development, was overall a very enjoyable experience. It was enjoyable and an excellent way to learn the pleasure of helping others. The only thing that I thought needed more work were the sign in tables. They were rather disorganized and it was hard for volunteers to figure out where to go and what to do.

There were many good points throughout the day as well. Personally I worked with Water Watch to help clean up the area around Lake Fred. Most of the areas that we thought would be full of garbage, were remarkably clean. However, it was surprising to see that there were areas where cigarette butts were plentiful, as though those places were popular smoking spots. It was really disgusting to see them littering the ground when 300 yards away, there was a trash can and a recycle bin. Another surprise that awaited us was what looked like a microwave half-submerged in Lake Fred. That shocked all of us because we all wanted to know what exactly happened that would cause a person to hurl a microwave into the lake. In all it was a fun experience, running around talking laughing, and picking up the various garbage and throwing them away.

Another thing that I thought was a very good idea was the idea of the pre and post surveys being the same. It was an excellent idea because I personally saw how my views changed from before doing the project to after. It was a creative way to see how our opinions and views can change just by taking small steps to help our communities and the communities around us. In all, the Day of Service was a fun experience and I was very proud to have been a part of it.