e. Concluding phrases and clauses

If concluding phrases and clauses are restrictive, punctuate accordingly.

I saw the garage door, unhinged and ajar.

I saw the garage door unhinged and ajar.

He has found many books, in the attic.

They all wanted to see her, on the show.

The elf took the branch, from the river.

He had a brokedown engine that wasn’t going anywhere.

Lightening strikes surrounded the house, during the height of the storm.

Add sugar to the water that Delia asked for.

In the following two sentences, the final phrases may be read as non-restrictive or parenthetical (that is, they may be expendable or a necessary aside). It’s a judgment call. In either reading, the commas are appropriate.

I’ve got the key to the highway, having found it in your drawer.

I’m going to leave here running, walking is most too slow.

Cutty was in the jailhouse drinking from an old tin cup.

It’s your decision on the last sentence.

Sentences in Green are incorrect.

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