There are so many ways Technology helps us. We have a world of knowledge right at our fingertips. However, there are circumstances we should put the phone down. Twitter does not need to know about all of the negative events that happen in the classroom. These posts are permanent and could be viewed as a reason for termination.

Making negative comments or “trash talking” is not a good look. Yes, sometimes the days can be long and sometimes your boss or even students may make it rough. However, social media is not the place to vent. Remember, it is your job to encourage and help your students grow. Bashing them on a public forum is not doing either of those things.

Sometimes we need a break. We are human, it happens! Sometimes, we even tell a white lie to take these breaks. However, taking a sick day and posting anything but being sick is not okay. I live by the beach, it is often calling my name, I get it. Posting a picture of your toes in the sand is not going to make an employer happy when you called out sick. Use a vacation day for that or don’t post about it!

There are occasions where your current employer isn’t cutting it. Whether it be for differences with staff or just the need for personal growth, at some point we move on. Looking for a new job while on the clock is not a great idea. Not only could this get you fired, but it could essentially get you a bad reference for a future employer. There is a time and place for everything, that applies to job searching as well.
Click here if you would like to learn more ways technology can get you fired.
Do you know someone who has been fired due to technology?