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Pie Charts

Pie charts are used to show portions of a whole. An amount is divided into categories by percentage and the slice sizes are relative to the percentage of the category. Pie charts are great to use in showing the results of polls if there are a limited number of categories. If you have too many categories the chart becomes difficult to read. Below I have created two pie charts based on data from Pew Research regarding Americans’ views on money in politics. 

The above chart highlights what a higher proportion of respondents believe while the chart below highlights what a lower proportion of respondents believe. Choosing the right chart but also a good title for the chart is key for letting viewers know what information is important.

I believe that both of these datasets are great use cases for pie charts because they show what portion of respondents. Other good uses of pie charts is in finance. Household budgets are well represented by pie charts. Pie charts are also a great tool to use when visualizing portfolio allocations. One of the most important things to avoid with pie charts is using incompatible data. If the proportions do not sum to 100%, the data is not a good use case for a pie chart. There are many different options for visualizations and a pie chart is great for a simple and quick way to represent proportional data effectively to viewers.  

Pie Charts

Pie charts are something that we are used to seeing, and have been practically since elementary school. They are commonly used for comparisons because they help people visualize a difference and also allow them to understand different categories and severities of things. For this reason, it is always important to make sure a pie chart is used properly, otherwise information can become too overbearing and confusing.

When tasked with creating a pie chart, I felt that it was important to pick something that was equally important to me and had data that was easily comparable, as this is what would work best for a pie chart. The image below shows the pie chart I created with sample data taken from Statista about the percentage of college students who are diagnosed with some sort of mental disorder.

One thing that not many people are aware of (unless they were or are in college) is the amount of stress and hard work that comes with the role as well. More often than not, these stresses cause college students to be diagnosed with some sort of mental disorder, and I felt that as a college student who is also suffering from the stress and pressure put on me, this was a good thing to talk about. The pie chart features five different types of mental disorders that college students are most commonly diagnosed with, with anxiety and depression being the highest amongst them. 

I think this data was best shown in this pie chart because it puts the numbers and diagnoses into perspective about how significant and problematic the pressures of college are on a student. Due to the two large percentages taking up more than half of the circle, you get an idea of the severity of it.

As previously mentioned, this sample data was taken from a larger data set on Statista. However, Statista showed this information on a horizontal bar graph (as shown below).

While the bar graph is still a great way to display this information, I think that taking the higher percentages/more common disorders and displaying them on the pie chart created a more urgent and dramatic effect that may not have been seen or fully acknowledged in the bar graph. On the other hand, if I were to include all of this information in the pie chart created, I do not think the pie chart would have as much of an effect or impact as it currently does.

In all, a pie chart is a great way to display certain types of information, including my sample data set on mental disorders in college students. It shows comparison of different categories and allows for easy interpretation and understanding of data. One thing that I discovered while creating this pie chart is that Excel has several hidden tools and features to help you create the pie chart to your liking, including pre-made color palettes that make it easy to keep a theme, as well as different examples of pie charts using your data. For instance, I found that it looked better to have the percentage and category labels on the outside of the pie chart rather than the inside due to clutter and I was able to do so with a simple click of a button. I think it is important to note these features because certain types of information and pie charts may need to be created depending on the data used, and Excel provides easy navigation to do just that!

Global Plastic Waste Management Statistics – The Use of a Pie chart

I used a pie chart to visualize the data below because it best fits it and makes it extremely easy to consume and understand. The data highlighted in this blog is in proportions. It is also categorical data. 


Anytime you try to show that the thing you are talking about adds up to 100%, you are telling a story about parts of a whole. Alternatively, whenever you need to describe the proportionate components of a group, this is a story about a part-to-a-whole. In the plastic-related case highlighted above, it is convenient to use pie charts to visualize the dataset. However, there is a caveat: do not use a pie chart to tell a story about parts to a whole if there are five or more wedges. This clutters the information presented in the diagram and makes it difficult to comprehend. I believe that a pie chart best fits the data set discussed above. Any other visualization used will defeat the overall purpose.

Below are a few design tips to consider when constructing a pie chart:

  1. Use presentable fonts
  2. Do not use colors that are too bright
  3. Do not use 3-D designs
  4. Always use legends for easy comprehension of the data.
  5. Do not use pie charts when there are five or more wedges.

The Perfect Use Pie Chart

By Nick Ligameri

When you think about charts, the pie chart is probably the first chart that comes to your mind.  It is one of the most well-known types of chart.  Because of this notoriety, pie charts tend to be misused.  This misuse leads to pie charts getting a negative reputation.  According to storytellingwithdata.com, there are two main reasons to use a pie chart.  These reasons are to how a part (slice) relates to the whole (pie) and to show that one slice is larger or smaller compared to the pie. 

The Phillies have nine wins and two losses this post-season.

The graph shown above just so happens to convey both of these uses very well.  Today, 24 October 2022, is a day after the Philadelphia Phillies won the National League Pennant and secured their spot in the World Series.  I thought it would be appropriate to show how dominant the Phillies have been in the post-season.  They have played eleven games so far and have won nine of them.   

Storytellingwithdata.com explains that we perceive the area that a slice takes up.  This pie graph shows that the Phillies’ nine wins cover most of the pie.  It also shows that the Phillies are winning a high percentage of their playoff games.  This is why this specific pie chart does a great job showing how the Phillies’ nine wins convey a sense of the part-to-whole relationship and is relatively large compared to their two losses.  

The design of this graph was kept very simple.  We are only working with two numbers so there is no need to get crazy on the design.  The colors that I used were the Phillies’ colors, red and blue, for the two slices. The message I am trying to convey to the audience is that the Phillies are a dominant force right now, and this design shows this in a straightforward way.  The data I used was sourced from www.baseball-reference.com.  I had to click on a few links and do some basic counting and math to aggregate the data I wanted.   

Go Phillies! 

Pie Chart/ Practice

By John Wickham

Pie charts are weirdly one of controversial bits of infographics scene. People say that they are very common in the space, but most people do not understand how to make. People make it hard to understand with problems such as not understanding the percentages or just having to many slices for the chart.

Pie charts are best used to show comparisons between small number of different categories (2-5 different sections) and when you want to highlight one specific piece of data.

This pie chart above is about the sales of books within a group of genres. The main point I wanted to show was the low number of sales from the mystery genre. This highlights that more people should by mystery sections

Pie Charts

This data set is a perfect case for a pie chart. The percentages add up to 100. This means that all of the parts add up to a whole, which is a crucial part of a pie chart. A pie chart is also good to use here because there are only 6 categories. There is not too much going on and the chart does not look cluttered. It is very easy to read and the audience can easily compare the sizes of the slices to each other to tell which sport is more popular.

The data here is not served better as something other than a pie. A bar chart would work, but a pie chart is the most effective visualization for this data set.

I came across multiple design strategies to make this pie chart more appealing. First I color coded the different slices. This makes it easier to differentiate the slices from one another. Another thing I did was I put the category name and percentage in every slice of the pie. The percentage provides a more in depth look at the data. Also, adding the category name allowed me to take away the legend. This makes it easier for the reader to digest the information. They no longer have to glance at the legend, then to the chart, then back and forth. All of the information is in the pie chart.


A pie chart is a graphical representation technique that displays data in a circular-shaped graph. A pie chart best suits the parts-to-whole relationship for categorical or nominal or proportional data which sums up to a whole, mostly 100% or 1. Due to its unique display of data, it is better to not use so many data points in order to keep it simple and attractive. Often time, people use large amounts of data points which displays a crowded chart with many points of less significance making the chart not relatable or difficult to analyze.

make sense to show a parts-to-whole relationship for categorical or nominal data. The slices in the pie typically represent percentages of the total. 

Pie charts should be considered when the data possesses the following,

  • Few components
  • No time representation
  • Distinct parts
  • Easy visualization
Figure 1.00 Graphical Representation (pie chart) of bane of development in Ghana

Figure 1.00 is a simple display of data on a pie chart. It has fewer data point and the total of the proportions sums up to 100%.

Though the data as presented in figure 1.00 can be presented in a column chart and would make sense just as the pie chart, I would still prefer the use of the pie as it is more engaging compared to a column chart. Figure 1.01 below show a column chart of the same data as in figure 1.00. Though simple, audience will naturally not be able to tell the proportions of each column or what the total is so in this case I will prefer to use the pie chart for much convenience and easy visualization.

figure 1.01

There are some few design tips to consider when designing a pie chart and some of these are;

  • Avoid using 3-D designs
  • Use colors that match your data
  • Avoid too many slices
  • Use presentable fonts
  • And many more…

Using Pie Charts to Represent NHL Playoff Percentages

Using pie charts is beneficial for showing percentages that display the proportions of the data. Each section of the pie chart resembles a different piece of data. For my pie chart example, I decided to take the Metropolitan NHL Teams and researched their percentages of making it into the NHL playoffs. It is still early in the season, so the data I have researched changes weekly. My information is based on playoff chances as of Sunday, October 23rd, 2022. Using monkeypuck, I took the percentages of all the Metropolitan Division Teams, which can be found on the NHL’s official website.

As I was making my pie chart, it was rather easy to display the numbers and data. I then realized, if I moved the data labels while they are outside of the pie chart, it would automatically draw a line to the corresponding data. I made each data label color match the corresponding team as well as each slot in the pie chart. For example, the Philadelphia Flyer’s team consists of black, orange, and white. As shown on the pie chart, you can see the Philadelphia Flyer’s slot is colored orange. I also related the colors of the other teams, to the boxes as well, which can be seen in my pie chart. I also changed the fonts and font sizes, along with adding text boxes for the percentages of each team, inside the pie chart. Specifically for the data set I used, the pie chart is the best way to display this data. Otherize, a bar graph could be used as well, but I do not think it is as visually appealing in this scenario. I believe this data is better served as a pie chart to visually see the different percentages of each team’s playoff odds.

Pie Charts

By: Veronica Perkins

Pie charts are a form of data visualizations that can help represent data given to us. Pie charts are ideal when your data adds up to 100. I made a pie chart to help represent this:

I made this pie chart to help illustrate how pie charts can be used.

Pie charts are great for when you have multiple data points (that add up to 100%) because it allows the audience to see how the data is divided. In this case, the data I chose, represents what people want to be for Halloween and the data is completely made up. However, even though the data is made up completely, it still allows for the audience to see the data in a simpler way. I believe that this pie chart is a great version of data visualizations, but this data could also work on bar graphs as well. Here are a few tips for making pie charts: Be sure to vary each slice using different colors. Also adding data labels, such as numbers, can be a big help visually for the audience as well.

Here is a video that helps walk through how to make pie charts, their use, and tips.

Happy creating! 🙂

Pie Chart

The pie chart that I chose to make depicts the poverty level of people under the age of 18 in the United States in the year 2020.

I believe this was a good example of data to use in a pie chart because it represents a part of a whole. Data like this I believe is perfect for pie charts. In this specific example, the whole is the US population under the age of 18 and the part is the percentage of those citizens who are under the poverty level.

This specific data I feel is best represented as a pie chart, however, the other data I found in the article I got this information from would have benefitted better from something like a line chart. That is because not only did this website tell me the percentage of minors under the poverty line, but it also told me that 2020 was the first time poverty rates have increased in the last 5 years. It would have been very beneficial to show the steady decline and sudden increase of poverty rates over the line chart. However, like I previously mentioned, for this specific data example I believe the pie chart was best.

As far as design choices I made for this chart, I chose to go with a bright color to highlight the important part of the chart. I also chose a muted grey color so the audience would focus more on the children in poverty. I also decided to only put the percentage of impoverished children to once again highlight the point of the chart.

This is the website I obtained my information from: https://www.census.gov/newsroom/stories/poverty-awareness-month.html

Abigail Moore