Virtual Reality in the Classroom- My Reflections & Research

Virtual Reality in the Classroom- My Reflections & Research

Virtual Reality- images and sounds created by a computer that seem almost real to the user, who can affect them by using sensors

Check out Google Earth using Virtual Reality from a YouTube video.

It is quite amazing to be able to visit locations, historic landmarks, beautiful world wonders, and go beyond the classroom walls with just the use of a digital headset tool. Google Earth has changed the way we view our world and brings us closer each and every day. It seems that the more breakthroughs we have with technological advancements the more it is becoming accessible for everyone to use and take advantage of the improved materials, now within classrooms. This allows limitless exploring and makes the world seem smaller and smaller daily.

Pros and cons of Virtual Reality in the Classrooms.


  • Amazing New Worlds/ Information presentations. This engages the teachers and students to take tours of historic monuments, geographically relocate to across the world, enhance learning stimulations to captivate the class and leave long-lasting impressions.
  • Fun- not work. This feeling of learning just happens when the class can take a Virtual trip into another Reality. The children can focus on fun experiences, similar to those of the games we use to get them activated for beginning learning steps including ABC, and more. These games are addicting because of the level of pleasure that a child receives after leveling up, or challenging an opponent or themselves. This feeling triggers FUN, not a working mentality giving satisfaction rather than more stress to the kids and the teachers.
  • Allows for All Students to Learn. Virtual Reality gives others the ability to join in on the FUN. Disabilities are now not looked at as a disadvantage but rather Virtual Reality can bring others together. Programming can allow all to partake in the game, activity, lesson, and/ or locations without having anyone feel left out. Inclusion for all is a major benefit for using Virtual Reality.
  • Unforgettable Experiences and trips.
  • Improve Physical and Mental Health. Research has found that moving your body due to a virtual stimulation can increase heart rate, activate body movements and motivate users to complete workouts. Mental health can improve also when senses are activated due to visuals, movements, and ‘reality’ stimulations. Therapy and exercises are being performed virtually and a coach is able to ‘guide’ you through mental or physical training.


  • Lack of “Real” Human interactions. This technology breakthrough can be quite exciting and amazing, but we need to be careful and not take advantage of or overuse the equipment with children. Children are more vulnerable and more sensitive to graphic images, videos, interactions, and as adults, we cannot take our responsibilities and roles lightly. In this day and age technology, as mentioned before is wonderful for going beyond normal experiences, but we cannot over stimulate the body and mind too much for future generations. We as child care providers, educators of the future, and adults need to put down our devices rather than give children more of a reason to get on them.
  • Negative physical health and mental health effects due to technology. Some researchers feel there is a connection between technology usage and issues with mental health such as distraction, the expectation of instant gratification, and depression. Others found that physically there can be vision problems, hearing loss, and neck strains. Virtual Reality will only heighten this epidemic of detrimental health problems, that will in time only get worse with more use of technology. As far as in the classroom, students and teachers need to take certain protocols for the safety of the users while handling the equipment. There have been reports for injuries due to being unaware of personal ‘Real’ surroundings and either hurting themselves or others. This also creates an addiction to the game. This was mentioned above for the reason for using this type of learning platform, but we must limit the child’s use or we may run into Virtual Reality future addicts.
  • Expensive and Frustrating. Technology is super cool and out of this world, but oftentimes it comes with a hefty price tag. Many of these headsets for Virtual Reality equipment can range from a low $70.00 or as high as thousands of dollars. The average I did find were in the $250 range to $500. Schools are having a hard enough time using their budgets or collecting money for their classrooms, let alone getting extra equipment for enhancements instead of the necessities. We may want to focus on proper education for all rather than only giving to a few which might be the case when we allow Virtual Reality into the classrooms. Another frustrating portion of this type of learning dynamic will be technological slow-downs. Technology can be a beautiful gift if presented and given with the right tools and guidance as we learn in our Learning Web Tools course this semester, but proper training and device courses should be taken to ensure proper procedures are followed to avoid further issues. We bring technology in the class to help, but if all the students are using their headsets and one or five are left out due to technical difficulties, class management and lesson delay may happen.

Be Prepared, Not Scared.

You may want to check the Pros and Cons and determine the amount of time, and training you as the teacher may use for a lesson involving the Virtual Reality technologies before jumping in too soon. As teachers and educators are faced with new challenges, new ways of teaching, new technologies, and practices we cannot be afraid to try new platforms out, but instead reach out to fellow networks using the materials already; We might want to explore the systems first, we could ask questions on Twitter Chats in reference to VR changes, updates, and recommended strategies. Virtual Reality can be used to enhance, excite, and captivate learners of all ages. We just need to explore and educate ourselves before going beyond the walls of the classroom and reality unprepared.

Explore-Check These Buttons OUT

There are many types of Virtual Reality Tools, Websites, links, and companies that designed VR specifically for educators and learners. Check out a list I provided below of relevant, and up-to-date platforms and software that provide exceptional VR engagements/interactions for different learning opportunities.

Discovery Education

Click the link provided to explore all of the possibilities on Virtual field trips and to GO BEYOND the classroom walls.

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Click the Button provided to find out more about Virtual Reality for Tutoring purposes.

Image result for labster virtual lab"

Labster gives exceptional Virtual Reality experiences to those in safe settings.

Teaching Abstract Concepts, Immersing, interacting, and inspiring students with Virtual Reality

A clip from CBS in 2015- at the time this was a new concept, but in recent years classrooms around the world are now able to use Google’s VR technologies for multiple subjects and lessons. Just like the ones mentioned above in the Buttons, Virtual reality has made updates and advancements to move education beyond the classroom walls.

Thank you for joining me on the Virtual Reality Check-in Blog this week! Let me know what VR systems and websites are your favorites!

Thank you to the links above for providing Virtual Reality to education departments around the world.

About smithc88