DigitalStory: My Florida Family Trip 2016

DigitalStory: My Florida Family Trip 2016

What is Digital Story Telling?

Digital storytelling is a blend of video, audio, images, and text to convey stories, information, and ideas.

Check out this video- It is extremely helpful when navigating this new Storyline/ Timeline Tool using Sutori.
This site helped me login easily and start a template within seconds of opening up Sutori.
Check out this website link to create your own Timeline for presentations, organizational tools, study guides, and/ or your classrooms.

My First Time using a Digital Storytelling Web Tool

I explored Sutori’s site and managed to upload pictures, videos, links, and more to make my story more engaging and exciting. I thought it was a wonderful way to showcase ideas, thoughts, images/ graphics, and other informational visuals digitally. Teachers and students are able to comment, share, post, and edit their slides and data by copying and sharing with others. This is a great way for collaboration projects and for feedback from professors. It was interesting after I completed my sections and headings, I was able to put matching questions with answers, multiple-choice options, and/ or forum areas for students or others to interact with. This is a quick, effective way to make sure the class is following along and understanding the presented materials right then and there. I decided to use a trip in order to showcase pictures, videos, and personal touches to keep my audience engaged and get to know a little about my family dynamic. Although this was from a 2016 trip and my family has grown since then, it was a perfect way to start my journey using this new tool from Sutori.

My first Sutori Storyline about ME

Picture was taken after my Graduation.

This trip with those loved ones was just as normal as our everyday visits, games, and BBQs.

I felt like sharing a personal trip like this because I had worked hard for my degree towards my Education in Elementary future settings and so did my son towards his pre-school qualifications. I wanted him to cherish and celebrate his hard work towards schooling because others are not as lucky to have those things and to remember how important it is to have a wonderful family.

My family helped me during the days I needed to do homework, study, and participate in school activities. This was a treat to all of the people who helped me succeed and to show them how thankful I was for them.

Animal Kingdom Group Picture from Day 1 in Disney.

My Florida Family Trip 2016

During the presentation provided, you will notice that we spent most of our time at Disney Parks, but we did try out Sea World too; this is why the Title states ‘Florida’ Family Trip. Our Background was covered at first in the first few points above, we checked out Sea World, and then Disney. We started our adventure in the Animal Kingdom Park eating breakfast with famous characters, trained with Star Wars heroes in Hollywood Studios, flew a carpet in the Magic Kingdom Park, and explored different cultures in Epcot. Join my family and me as I share just a few of our experiences in each park and some of my son’s favorite moments using the Sutori digital storytelling web platform.

Click Here to See My trip using Sutori

USE these tools to Navigate My Sutori Storyline:

  • Step 1: Click the Link Above
  • Step 2: Login or view slideshow/presentation after clicking the PRESENT button on the right-hand side of the webpage. This is located next to Share, Create Your Own, … Tabs
  • Step 3: This view allows you to view as a slideshow and access each link, quiz choice, and bullet point or timestamp as indicated in chronological order instead of scrolling down the webpage’s main view. I thought this was a better view of the information and material available.
  • Step 4: Be sure to look at the pictures with the information provided because in order to answer the matching pairs and multiple choice questions the answers will be provided next to the images or videos during the slide shows.
  • Step 5: The interactive features are very helpful as I mentioned before, especially for a class learning new or older materials.
  • Step 6: Check out the comment sections and be sure to add your feedback and/ or recommendations for future use; as I am new to this site, the feedback will be extremely helpful.
  • Step 7: Try this Sutori Website out!
  • Step 8: Let me know about more digital storytelling websites available- I would love to add more resources and favorites to my WEB TOOLs Toolbox.

This little presentation will help you look into a glimpse of our happy times after we worked really hard.

Ps: I am still navigating the site- Thank you for the patience while I continue to update my accounts.

I am aware that the Mulitple Choice answers are not displaying the correct answer ( even though it is one of the options available, I did contact the site). I will be sure to fix this ASAP. Thank you for your concerns and feedback!

Thank you for taking the time to check out my personal blog and exploring Sutori with me!

About smithc88