WE Teachers

After reading the last chapter of my textbooks Sail The 7Cs with Microsoft Education, I learned about the website WE.org, and it is a great website for us as educations to know what we should say to our students and how we should approach specific topics to our students. When exploring the website, I found a page called We Teachers. ( I recommended for future educators to check it out). While exploring this website, I have found and learned new ways to talk to my students. This website is used as a training and educational tool. It is also used to help teachers and give them resources for virtual learning.

I signed up for the website and decided to take a course to see what the website has to offer. On the We Teachers section of the website, I decided to go to the course about bullying to learn new ways to help my students talk about a heavy topic such as bullying. While taking the course I learned how to identify and prevent bullying in my classroom. I wanted to take this course more than any other because bullying is a serious topic that needs to be discussed. If a student is being bullied, it can become disconnected from their education, family, and friends. In the worst-case, students can become suicidal, and no one wants that for a child. No one wants anyone to be bullied, and being a teacher and seeing it in the classroom is devastating. That is why we, as teachers need to be there to prevent it. An taking this course has given me insight and information about how to prevent bullying in my classroom and counsel my students who are being bullied. It has also helped me in dealing with the children who are the bullies and how to discipline them and make sure no bullying goes on in my classroom.

I recommend everyone go on this website, take one of the courses, and leave a comment below about what you learned from your experience.