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WGSS Faculty

Deeanna M. Button (2012), Associate Professor of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., University of Delaware; M.A., Old Dominion University, B.S., Old Dominion University: gender and sexuality, victimization and social support experiences of LGBTQ youth, sexual assault, violence against women.

Elizabeth Calamidas (1986), Professor of Public Health; Ph.D., Temple University; M.S., B.S., The Pennsylvania State University: human sexuality, public health, women’s health.

Judith Copeland (2005), Associate Professor of Writing; J.D., University of Oregon;MFA, University of Iowa; B.A., Duke University: women’s memoir and travel writing, women and the law, history of feminist activism in the U.S. and other cultures.

Emari DiGiorgio (2006), Professor of Writing & First-Year Studies; MFA, New York University; B.A., The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey: creative writing (poetry and fiction), contemporary world poetry, why poetry matters, composition, freshman seminars, women’s studies, social activism.

Shawn Riva Donaldson (1980), Associate Professor of Sociology; Ph.D., Rutgers, The State University; M.A., B.A., University of Pennsylvania: African-American women, African- American authors, male-female relationships.

Joshua Duntley (2006), Associate Professor of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., University of Texas; M.A., B.A., State University of New York at Plattsburgh: forensic psychology, evolutionary psychology, homicide, stalking, sexual victimization, victim defenses, statistics.

Betsy Erbaugh (2013), Associate Professor of Sociology; Ph.D., M.A., University of New Mexico; M.A University of Notre Dame; B.A., Tufts University: reproductive and sexual health, gender, race, class, sexuality, social movements, violence, research methods.

 Diane S. Falk (1996), Professor of Social Work; Ph.D., Rutgers, The State University; MSW, University of Pennsylvania; M.A., B.A., University of Chicago LCSW: social work practice, program development and administration, child welfare, mental health practice and policy, human rights, international social work.

Marcia Fiedler (2000), Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies; Ed.D., University of Phoenix; M.A., New York University; B.A., University of Pittsburgh: Women & the Bible, Jewish women.

Deborah M. Figart (1995), Distinguished Professor of Economics; Ph.D., The American University; B.A., Wheaton College: economics of work and pay, well-being and living standards, economics of gender and race/ethnicity, discrimination, the gig economy, casino employment, public banks.

Luis I. García (2010), Assistant Professor of Health Science; Ph.D., The George Washington University; M.S., B.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: acculturation, sexual identity development, HIV prevention among men who have sex with men (MSM), Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP) and Interprofessional Education (IPE).

Arleen C. Gonzalez (1986), Associate Professor of Criminal Justice; J.D., Rutgers University School of Law, Camden; B.A., The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey: sex discrimination law, Puerto Rican women.

Laurie Greene (1989), Associate Professor of Anthropology; Ph.D., M.A., Tulane University; B.A., University of Pennsylvania: anthropology of women and men, language and gender.

Deborah Gussman (1999), Professor of American Literature; Ph.D., Rutgers, The State University; B.A., Temple University: colonial and 19th American literature and culture, American Indian literature, women’s literature, and feminist studies.

Adalaine Holton (2007), Associate Professor of Literature; Ph.D., M.A., University of California, Santa Cruz; B.A., University of Maryland: comparative American literature, U.S. ethnic studies, theories of race, gender, class, and sexuality.

Lisa Honaker (1995), Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities, Professor of Literature; Ph.D., Rutgers, The State University; B.A., University of Illinois, Chicago: 19th century women writers, gender and literature.

Aleksondra Hultquist (2017), Assistant Professor of Critical Thinking and First-Year Studies; Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; M.A., San Francisco State University; B.F.A., Rutgers University: literature and culture of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century; history of emotion; adaptation; women writers; rise of the novel; academic writing; critical thinking.

Christina Jackson (2014), Associate Professor of Sociology; Ph.D., M.A., University of California Santa Barbara; B.A., Temple University: urban sociology, race, class, gender, social movements, inequality.

Kristin J. Jacobson (2005), Professor of Literature; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University; M.A., University of Colorado, Boulder; B.A., Carthage College: 20th and 21st century American literature and culture, popular culture, feminist theory and pedagogy, environmental and geographic approaches to literature, ecofeminism.

Janice Joseph (1989), Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., M.A., York University, Canada; B.A., University of West Indies: violence against women; women and criminal justice.

Audrey Wolfson Latourette (1977), Distinguished Professor of Business Studies, Law; J.D., Temple University School of Law; M.A., Rowan University; B.A., Rutgers, The State University, Camden: women and the law, women in law, history and literature.

Ethan C. Levine (2019)Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., Temple University, M.A., The New School for Social Research, B.S., Northeastern University: Sexual violence, intimate partner violence, victim services, gender and sexuality, feminist theory, social construction of knowledge, quantitative and qualitative methods.

Margaret E. Lewis (1996), Professor of Biology; Ph.D., M.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook; B.A., Rice University: human anatomy, biological anthropology, evolutionary biology, women’s reproductive issues & health, intersection of biology and culture.

Maya A. Lewis (2010), Associate Professor of Social Work; Ph.D. University of Maryland, Baltimore; MSW, Washington University in St. Louis; B.A. Spelman College: HIV/STD prevention for women, maternal and child health issues, minority health disparities, African American adolescents and young adult females, female adolescent risk behavior.

Nathan Long (2005), Professor of Creative Writing; MFA, Virginia Commonwealth University; M.A., Carnegie Mellon University; B.A., University of Maryland, College Park: creative writing, contemporary literature, gender studies, history of the LGBT movement, intersexuality, queer theory.

Manish Madan (2013), Associate Professor of Criminal Justice; Ph.D., Michigan State University; M.S., Memorial University, Newfoundland Canada; M.S., University of Delhi, Delhi India; B.S. Mathematics University of Delhi, Delhi, India: comparative research, policy, gender, victimization, policing, and statistics.

Sara Martino (2005), Professor of Psychology; Ph.D., Temple University; M.A., Boston College; B.A., West Chester University: psychology of women, aggressive behavior, violence against women.

Heather McGovern (2002), Professor of Writing and First-Year Studies; Ph.D., Texas Tech University; M.A., Clemson University; B.A., College of Idaho: women’s nature writing, ecofeminism, gender and environmental rhetoric, gender, race, and education.

Christina M. Morus (2009), Associate Professor of Comparative Genocide and Communication Studies; Ph.D., University of Georgia; M.A., Eastern Michigan University; B.S., Eastern Michigan University: rhetoric of mass violence and genocide, gender & war, discourses of memory, the rhetoric of peace and human rights activist organizations, critical media studies, discourses of gender, race, class & ethnicity.

Sharon Musher (2007), Associate Professor of American History; Ph.D., Columbia University; M.Phil., Oxford University: American Jewish women, history of motherhood, women and the welfare state, gender and history, U.S. women’s history, gender and the body.

Ellen Mutari (1999), Professor of Economics; Ph.D., The American University; B.A., Swarthmore College: women’s employment, wages, and public policies, political economy of gender, race, ethnicity and class.

Kate Nearpass Ogden (1991), Professor of Art History; Ph.D., M.Phil., Columbia University; B.A., Gettysburg College: women artists, feminist themes in the visual arts.

John O’Hara (2013), Associate Professor of Critical Thinking and First-Year Studies; Ph.D., English, University of Miami; M.A., English, University of Miami; B.A., English, Kent State University: American studies, gender studies, visual culture, critical and interpretive theory.

Anne F. Pomeroy (1999), Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D., Fordham University; M.A., Columbia University; B.A., Connecticut College:  Feminist Philosophies.

Emily Van Duyne (2014), Assistant Professor of Writing and First-Year Studies; Solstice MFA in Creative Writing, BFA, Emerson College: feminist theory, poetry and poetics, contingent faculty, and Sylvia Plath.

Linda J. Wharton (2001), Professor of Political Science; J.D., Rutgers University School of Law, Camden; B.A., Bryn Mawr College: women and the Constitution, sex discrimination law, feminist legal theory, reproductive rights.

Kaite Yang (2015), Assistant Professor of Psychology; Ph.D., Princeton University; B.A., Dartmouth College: social psychology, personality and individual differences, gender across the lifespan, meta-analysis, effects of thought speed.


 Joanne D. Birdwhistell (1979), Professor Emerita of Philosophy and Asian Civilization; Ph.D., M.A., Stanford University; B.A., University of Pennsylvania: feminist philosophies, women in philosophy.

Penelope Dugan (1976)Professor Emerita of Writing; D.A., State University of New York at Albany:  Women’s lives, women’s autobiography, critical theory and feminism.

Cheryle J. Eisele (1980), Professor Emerita of Nursing; Ed.D., Temple University; MSN, University of Pennsylvania; BSN, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey: women’s health, women and nursing, sexuality.

Pamela Hendrick (1995), Professor of Emerita of Theatre; MFA, Northwestern University; B.A., University of Michigan: performance and gender; women playwrights.

Elaine D. Ingulli (1986), Professor Emerita of Business Law; LL.M;. Temple University School of Law: perspectives on women, feminist legal studies, gender, violence in film, fiction, society.

Saralyn Mathis (1999)Professor Emerita of Computer Science and Information Systems; Ed.D. , West Virginia University: Gender issues in computing.

Linda Williamson Nelson (1981), Professor Emerita of Anthropology and Africana Studies; Ph.D., Rutgers, The State University; M.A., New York University; B.A., Long Island University: cultural constructions in life narrative discourse; hegemonic discourse, contemporary African-American literature, African-American Vernacular English, language and gender studies, language and power.

Marcia Steinbock (1989), Professor Emerita of Criminal Justice; J.D., Rutgers University School of Law, Camden; MSW, State University of New York at Albany; BFA, Boston University: women and homelessness, Jewish women.

Marilyn E. Vito (1994), Professor Emerita of Business Studies; CGM, Stonier Graduate School of Management; MBA, Monmouth College; B.S., The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey; CPA, CMA: women in leadership.