Tag: #onlinelearning

  • VR vs. AR

    There are many different apps and programs that now incorporate VR and AR programs for example and many more as well AR and VR can really help advance a classroom, because of all the new technology that it is being created in today’s time. AR and VR can bring the classrooms together globally because you…

  • VR in the CR!

    Virtual reality (VR) has been gaining popularity in recent years as an innovative and engaging tool for teaching and learning. With the increasing accessibility of VR technology, it has become easier to incorporate it into classrooms, making education more interactive, immersive, and effective. That being said, it is time to explore the benefits of using…

  • Future Classroom

    AS technology is advancing and students ar becoming more comfortable with the ways of technology, Teaching will become more virtually expanded. As I was looking through the website https://weschools.we.org/we-well-being, there were many things being offered. In my future classroom, technology will help students advance their learning, and communicate globally with other students across the world.…

  • WE.org and their Video Library

    In the age of digital technology, it is important for educators to embrace new methods of teaching and learning. It is difficult to do this when you are lacking the necessary resources. This is why We.org was designed to provide educators with said resources. One of the resources that We.org provides that I’d like to…

  • Mental Well-Being in the Classroom: Curtesy to WE

    The WE Virtual Learning Center is a social and emotional learning website for teachers and students. WE provides positive youth development, programs offering support for teachers, and empowers young people to be their strongest selves: gaining the critical skills to be future-ready and compassionate citizens (WE). Importance of Monitoring Mental Health in the Classroom: increase…

  • The Learning Access Program at Stockton and its Accessibility Tools

    Stockton has several tools that students can access to help support them in their education. Among these tools are software elements that take digital education to a new level Rocketbook Beacons-Beacons allow for crisp visualizations of the diagrams that teachers create on the board. Many of these useful diagrams go to waste because they have…

  • JAWS

    Jaws is a screenreader that allows people with visual impairments. It gives them a better chance to learn the material in the classroom This is under Stockton Accessibility that’s available on Campus. Stockton offers much more of these accommodations, which is very beneficial for all college students. They also offer things like Sonocet and Zoomtext…

  • Accessing Accessibility in Your Classroom

    Education is a fundamental right of every individual, and every student deserves equal access to the tools and resources that enable them to learn effectively. Even in this day and age, students with accessibility needs face numerous challenges in accessing and comprehending the content presented to them. Fortunately, technology has made significant strides in recent…

  • Top 7 Accessibility Tools

    There are many tools that are accessible for students that make their learning experience a little less stressful. This blog will consist of the seven top accessibility tools that I believe are the most helpful in the classroom. Each tools mentioned will include a brief description and their most beneficial aspects. These tools an essential…

  • Accessibility Tools For Students!

    After doing some research, I have found what I believe to be the most helpful accessibility tools for the classroom. For this blog article, I will discuss each of them briefly and their most beneficial trait. Having tools such as these in an educational setting is essential. I found tools that will help students with…

  • Accessibility Toolbox

    Accessible resources are a wonderful fundamental strategy because they tend to be easier for kids of all ages to comprehend and absorb information. All students in your course will benefit from having accessible materials since it gives them equal access to the course’s resources and educational opportunities. Examples of these tools will be listed below!…

  • Hyperdocs: How Can it Link to Google Maps?

    Using Hyperdocs and Google Maps can be used for a variety of lessons and gather students’ interests on a topic through technology. Depending on the subject, educators can modify their lesson plans to utilize Google Maps in a Hyperdoc. For example, history teachers can use the map to locate where specific historical events take place.…

  • Exploring a Filmmaking Hyperdoc

    As the digital age continues to evolve, education is also changing to keep up with the times. Hyperdocs are a relatively new teaching tool that many teachers are using to create interactive and engaging lessons for their students. Personally, I am a big film-buff. That is why, for this blog post, I will be exploring…

  • Hyperdocs: What are they, and how do they help us?

    A HyperDoc is an interactive digital document that enables students to learn independently. To list a few things you can perform with HyperDoc in your future classrooms, many teachers utilize it for reading articles, watching movies, and completing quizzes or assignments. While they are typically made with Google Docs, Google Slides, Microsoft Word, or Powerpoint…

  • Making My Own HyperDocs

    A HyperDoc is a Google document/slide deck that is interactive. HyperDocs are the equivalent to hands-on assignments/lessons in the classroom but instead it is online.  When I first learned about HyperDocs, I thought the idea of it was really cool. It seemed very simple and easy but yet difficult at the same time. HyperDocs are…

  • Hyperdocs- Google Docs

    As a teacher do you think that the students aren’t involved enough during class? Well a Hyperdoc can help you with that. There are many different ways to make you class involved more especially with technology. The main one that I am going to focus on is google docs. Google docs is a very basic…

  • International Children’s Digital Library

    The International Children’s Digital Library (ICDL) Foundation is targeted for students K-8. The main purpose of this website is to provide free books for students all around the world. Their mission is to support children in becoming members of society. They also want students to learn about and to respect diverse cultures, languages, and ideas.…

  • Free Online Books for K-8

    I found a tool for students to have an online library. Students can access free online books in seconds. They can benefit so many children in many areas worldwide. This online multi-language library will help them make progress.  I like that this tool has a “try before you Buy” option, which is excellent! Some parents would…

  • All About Innovative Educational Technology

    The article Microsoft Innovative Education: The Benefits talks about all of the opportunities that educational technologies can bring. initial response I found it intriguing that it talked about the drawbacks and the positives of the “MIE” which stands for Microsoft Innovative Education Programme. This Programme recognizes global educators who use technology to teach not only…

  • Collaboration is Buidling Education

    In this article it says, “work together to innovate, implement, and scale new strategies and tools that help our students succeed, so that our districts are improved to meet the challenges of the 21st century.” To further the education for all, we must collaborate and work together to all succeed in our lifetime goals. Those…

  • Collaborative Annotation in Microsoft Teams

    Microsoft Teams is a growing platform where students of all ages can collaborate with each other to work on group projects or interact with their teacher. I have never been very familiar with the platform until recently, so I am new to most of its features. While scrolling through Twitter, I came across a post…