Accessible resources are a wonderful fundamental strategy because they tend to be easier for kids of all ages to comprehend and absorb information. All students in your course will benefit from having accessible materials since it gives them equal access to the course’s resources and educational opportunities. Examples of these tools will be listed below!

7 Great Tools to Add to Your Toolbox:
- Voice In – Speech-To-Text Dictation: Use dictation to type in 10k+ sites in 50+ languages. VoiceIn transcribes your speech to text in real-time. This tool is great for students who are visually impaired.
- Screen Shader | Smart Screen Tinting: This shades chrome to a soothing yellow color in order to relieve the straining of the eyes. This tool is useful for students with visual impairments.
- Ears: Bass Boost: Boost the sound of any video/music you find on the web. This is helpful for students with hearing impairments.
- Grammarly: Improves your writing by checking spelling, grammar, and citations. This is helpful for all students who have difficulty checking their written work.
- Print Friendly & PDF: This tool allows students to convert any webpage into a PDF for printing. This can be helpful for students who need a physical copy of the assignment.
- Rewordify: Simplifies difficult English for faster comprehension. This helps improve a student’s speed when reading a difficult text and will save the teacher time for the lesson.
- BlockSite: Block Websites & Stay Focused: Keep your students focused by creating a custom block-list for certain websites such as games, and videos.

Thank you for reading!