Stockton has several tools that students can access to help support them in their education. Among these tools are software elements that take digital education to a new level
Rocketbook Beacons-Beacons allow for crisp visualizations of the diagrams that teachers create on the board. Many of these useful diagrams go to waste because they have to be erased. Rocketbook beacons allow for teachers to save their hard work on the cloud. As a result, students do not have to hassle their students for previous lecture work that they can’t seem to recall.
Dragon Naturally Speaking-This software has three components which are voice recognition, speech transcribed into text, and recognizing spoken commands.
JAWS– Is a screen reader that helps students who are losing their vision and cannot see the screen as easily to help them in their coursework online.
Kurzweil-has built-in features for the creation of reading, writing and study skills for students that struggle with their studying routine. Kurzweil allows students to achieve their full potential in their academics by accessing easy to organize notes.
Read&Write-This tool is beneficial for ESL students and helping those who have reading comprehension concerns. It is both helpful for educators and students alike as it allows for ease of access to important items on the toolbar.
Sonocent– Sonocent is a note-taking software that allows you to organize your notes from various sources such as Google Slides, text, and audio. Sonocent is a workspace where you can integrate and study your notes for your courses in one place.
ZoomText-Zoomtext magnifies the computer screen for people with low perception of vision and those needing help reading hard to see text.

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