About this Site

This blog started as a meeting ground for the three courses I taught in spring 2012: Punctuation: History and Craft, Introduction to Literary Research, and Medieval Irish History.

Over the past several years I’ve tried to tie together at least some of the disparate conversations in my classes. In spring 2012 I tried to pull them together here, and I’ve kept up the effort since then. Starting in the spring of 2014, there are three new courses : Shakespeare ; Designing Literary Apps, and Writing South Jersey. We’ll see how they connect (if at all).

If you want to comment you need to be a member of the Stockton College community, have an established username on our wordpress site, and comments must be approved by me (they will be; you just need to submit them and I read them before they are posted).

Get a WordPress username by going to http://wp.stockton.edu.

Once there, select “Create a new blog” and then select “Just a username, please.”

Fill in the Username slot — use a name that means something to you and that you will remember (exactly). You must use a Stockton e-mail address. Finally, select the appropriate radio button to get a username. You can always get a blog later. Do this, then comment as you see fit.

You can also write to me with any comments: Thomas.Kinsella@stockton.edu

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