The Art of Digital Storytelling in Education

This week’s blog was so much fun to research, explore, and create. My assignment was to find a website or an app for the purpose of creating a book. It is important for educators to find an appropriate tool to meet the needs of their students. Educators should have some fun and play around with…

Augmented Reality the Future of Education

  This week’s blog assignment is to research the various ways virtual reality (VR) is used and can be used in global education. I professor provided the class with a variety of VR tools and apps, however, I like to look further into the topic and found a different form of virtual reality. This form…

Removing Classroom Walls for a Global Experience

This week’s blog assignment is a free choice one, I love having the ability to explore the world of Technology for Education. I have conducted some research and discovered a plethora of applications, tools, websites, apps, and so on I could have chosen as my topic this week. I am super excited about the resource…