Incorporating Twitter in the Elementary Classroom

This week I am going to talk about how some educators have begun to incorporate Twitter in their Elementary classrooms. I think this is a great tool for younger students to begin using as they learn to about meta-cognition.  Using Twitter will allow students to engage with other students and educators around the world. Using Twitter in the classroom can enhance learning and create a flat classroom as students can connect with other classrooms, communicate with professionals, engage parents, etc. Here is a link to more ways teachers are using Twitter in the classroom. The following video is illustrating many ways Twitter has changed the culture of one high school, principal, staff, students, and parents.

I am in a technology class that is incorporating Twitter in their curriculum. I am not the biggest fan of social media, however, it is quite refreshing to connect with other educators in various stages in their career through 140 characters on Twitter. Each week I have to write a new blog (as I am doing right now) then upload a link to my Twitter account for others to read and comment. I am really enjoying having intelligent discussions about Education (which is the LOVE of my life!) with other educators who feel the exact same.

Back to my original thought about Twitter in the Elementary classroom. Twitter is not just a form of socializing about things which do not matter. It is a great tool for young students to create stories and poems. Here is a link to an Elementary teachers lesson plan using Twitter. As an educator on the rise, this lesson is a great way for students to develop the ability to write straight to the point.  The video below is showing how one Elementary is implementing Twitter throughout their school and beyond their school walls.