Global Learning is a learning style that should be taught in all schools, across the country. Not only will it allow students to connect with other students and to build relationships around the world, it will also create a foundation for the future global citizens of the world.
In “The Global Educator”, it talks about how open-mindedness and breakthrough of stereotypical understandings can have an impact on the students.
Teaching students to be open-minded while being open-minded and breaking stereotypes can impact students in many different ways. There are many ways you can engage students into doing this.
Allowing students to participate in global activities and collaborations encourages students to be open-minded as they learn to respect the opinions of others. By doing so, students are able to breakthrough certain stereotypical attitudes and will allow students to grasp a deep understanding of how the world works through personal interactions with other people. The learner’s mind are opened up with unlimited possibilities and begin to view themselves as global citizens, despite any prejudice or barriers. They begin to go from self-imposed to expressing themselves freely for the benefit of everyone. This results in a more peaceful environment and a more loving school environment.

I’ve recently found a blog post by Malvina Kefalas, and it talks about how becoming open-minded can supports consciousness.
In this article, Kefalas has many different tips and tricks to get your students to learn with an open-mind.
Students need to listen to different answers and see from the perspective of other students in the classroom. For students who have an open-mind and understand different perspective, this allows students to have more than one answer to the question. This way, students have more than one solution to a situation or a conflict.
According to Kefalas, talking to experts breaks down barriers. Meeting experts, like scientists, and talking to them like everyday people can make students feel comfortable.
The earlier we incorporate global learning into our schools’ curriculum, the more effective education can become for our students.
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