Hello everyone, and thank you for tuning in to my last blog post! It has been a very interesting experience and something new that I have enjoyed, and for the last week I will be talking about Global Learning and how it is being expanded.

Global Learning is very important as it also stresses the importance of professional learning and collaboration. Global Learning is something that is becoming more taught and made aware of across the world constantly every day.
Conferences and face to face events is what expands the use and awareness of Global Learning. The Global Education Conference is one that connects all types of students and educators with each other to help establish global collaboration and connecting classrooms which is very important. There are tons of conferences and virtual communities across the world that do their part and job in teaching and stressing the importance of Global Learning. There is what is known as the “Our Global Friendships,” which is a small community virtually of global collaborative educators that’s learn and help each other sharing their unique new ideas with each other.

Face to Face interactions are also a very key aspect of expanding Global Learning and one that seems most intriguing to me is the THINK Global School. This school moves across the world and learns in whatever place it is as its own school. This school is putting itself in new cultures and putting the teachers and students through ne w experiences. The school travels and moves to a new place every semester and this requires a new curriculum and learning outcomes, because this is what is different in every location. This is why it is so interesting to me as it clearly shows these students and teachers how learning is so different in places across the world and how it is important to know these things.

There are other programs such as Global STEM Education Center, the Centre for Global Education, and the VIF International Education and VIF Learning Center. These programs are all increasing students skills in the global world as well as making the educators and students involved more aware and familiar with everything that goes into Global Education and Global Learning. These programs, conferences, and Face to Face interactions are all very important for furthering this movement of Global Learning because it can be so effective for those who do not have access to schools, and virtual education is their only chance of making it in the real world comfortably.

Thank you for tuning in t another blog as this one was the last one but no other way to better finish by summing up current ways to get involved in Global learning and how it is being taught across the world.
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