Where did I travel for my spring break?

Hello everyone, thank you tuning in to another blog during crazy times during the current crisis. However, this week was a great week, as for my spring break, I VIRTUALLY traveled to Rome. Yes, this week for my class assignment, we had to make a google map on somewhere we would want to travel too, …

The Framework for Teaching

Hello guys and girls, I am checking back in this week with another blog! This week, I am going to be talking about something that I have recently learned about, that will stay with me the rest of my life! As someone that is a future educator of our generations to come, it is essential …

What can you Learn from Watching a Show in another Language?

Hello everyone! This week I will be talking about what you can learn from just watching a TV show that is another language, and how you can pick up on things about the culture from what is going on throughout the show. I watched Ingobernable, and this show takes place in Mexico and is in …