Hello everyone, thank you tuning in to another blog during crazy times during the current crisis. However, this week was a great week, as for my spring break, I VIRTUALLY traveled to Rome.
Yes, this week for my class assignment, we had to make a google map on somewhere we would want to travel too, and of course I chose Rome. Rome is such a great historical city that has so much culture to it due to its history, and in my visit, I traveled the three places that I find most interested.
Visit Destination 1: The Colosseum
For my first visit in Rome, of course I went to the Colosseum. This is the first building that most people think about when they think about ancient Rome and their history. As a history major, I absolutely love Rome and their history and this is a building that I would love to see in my life time. This building hosted so many gladiator events as well as animal hunts, and seated thousands and thousands of spectators. Just such an insane and different time to think about on how this is their source of entertainment.

Visit Destination 2: Theatre of Marcellus
This was a theatre that was originally planned and prepared to be built by Julius Caesar, however he was murdered before the building started to be constructed. This theatre was for the end of the Roman Republic and was held for everyone in Rome to come and spectate dramas and songs. This is somewhere where I would love to tour and just put myself in their shows as this is where thousands of years ago people gathered just liked we do to watch a certain performance.

Visit Destination 3: Ara Pacis
The last destination that I had to visit was the great altar that honored Augustus on his return to Rome from Gaul, and this Altar was of Pax, who was the Roman Goddess of peace. To think how everything was back then, in 13 BC, and how they worshipped certain people that they believed were certain gods and goddesses just strikes me as so fascinating. During such a different time, and such a long time ago, they still worshipped their own statues. I would love to take a picture with the altar and it is something that hopefully I can do eventually.

That will do it for this week. Thank you for tuning in to another blog!
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