Hello guys and girls, I am checking back in this week with another blog! This week, I am going to be talking about something that I have recently learned about, that will stay with me the rest of my life!
As someone that is a future educator of our generations to come, it is essential for me to be able to execute perfect lesson plans, and this week, I have learned about Charlotte Danielson’s framework for teaching. This is a lesson plan structure that helps you develop the perfect lesson pla, and there are four domains.

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
This is where the teacher must show her knowledge and pedagogy in this time of preparing her lesson plan. You must give extensive thought to how you will be teaching what you are teaching. This is where you will be setting your learning outcomes of the lesson nd what it is exactly that you want your students to get out of your lesson.

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
This is where you must establish and have set an optimal learning environment for your students. You must have an open line of communication with you and your students, and encourage student to student communication as well. Classroom management is also essential here as this is where you have to make sure your classroom is running smoothly and make sure that your students have great behavior. You will also have arrange your classroom and set up your class correctly so each student is physically safe.

Domain 3: Instruction
This is where you will be engaging with your students with what you are teaching. Communication is very key here as you must be communicating with your students and engaging with your students as you must encourage participation from each student. You will be giving your students assignments and activities here, and then also have some sort of assessment in place for their learning so you can monitor where each student is in their learning as you MUST be giving feedback to your students.

Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
This is where you will begin your reflection on how your lesson was, and you must be honest here so you can improve yourself for your students. You must be a professional here and see where you could have been better as an educator so you can improve and benefit your students. You also must be keeping an accurate record of your students work and keep an open line of communication up with the students families, as it is so important to keep the parents involve in the students learning progress.

That will do it for this weeks blog and I hope that you learning a thing or two! This framework for teaching is so important to know and really understand each domain, as each domain will lead to a perfect lesson plan.
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I will see you guys next week! Everyone stay safe and healthy from the coronavirus!