What can you Learn from Watching a Show in another Language?

Hello everyone! This week I will be talking about what you can learn from just watching a TV show that is another language, and how you can pick up on things about the culture from what is going on throughout the show.

I watched Ingobernable, and this show takes place in Mexico and is in Spanish. I decided to watch the last episode of the last season!

The reason I chose to watch a show that was in Spanish, was because I am currently in Intermediate Spanish 2, and learn about the cultures in Spanish speaking countries, so this served as a good way to learn more about the material.

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I can tell you from watching this episode, it reemphasizes what we have been learning in our class. My professor, has traveled to a great amount of Spanish speaking countries and knows the differences between the cultures and always shares with us. He has shown us pictures from when he went to Mexico himself, and the setting looked about the same in the show. The buildings are all very close to each other, and they are smaller buildings- it looks like a village. Also, my teacher talks about how their are always a great amount of people on the street walking around, regardless of what time it is, and you can see this in the show as well when people are walking on the sidewalk; almost looked like New York City. The characters were all part of or somehow related to the government of Mexico. The characters looked the same compared to people in the government of the United States. The people looked like they had power, all dressed up in suits and represented authority.

Image result for cities in mexico

You could see multiple similarities between our cultures. There was a time in the episode, where the main character who was a woman, was giving a speech to the city. It reminded me of when there is a rally here in the United States, you had a bunch of people in suits next to the one delivering the speech, and had a great crowd in front that were citizens as well with the media taking pictures. One thing that I noticed was different was how they had their military lined up around the city during the speech. All the members of the military were standing along the buildings with their guns out and were fully suited up like they were ready to go to war. Also, my professor talks about how in Mexico, you show great affection with your family members and kiss them on the cheeks and how their family culture differs from ours with that my professor says.

Image result for mexico military

Overall, you could see a lot of similarities with our culture, have a city with a lot of people, people driving cars, government looking powerful, but their were also some differences that were little but that is what makes cultures different! Also, the TV show was a good watch and very entertaining! You would never believe the ending! What happen was…

Thank you for tuning into another blog!

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